
  1. U

    worms in 1 month old bantam chicks please help me save them (warning: pictures)

    Hi everyone, I have 3 bantam chicks, they born 1 month ago, they were 4 but one of them died three days ago, and I discovered a heavy infestation of worms in her little intestines, now I know all of them have it (the parents and 3 chicks remaining) because I saw in their droppings eggs or...
  2. M

    can chickens catch colds or sicknesses from humans?

    we don’t feed our feathered girls a lot of table scraps, but depending on the food, have been known to. yesterday, my human girls had a viral infection that made them little puke machines. today they are better and i am on a mission to fill their bodies with nourishing foods. so i made...
  3. chopin_the_quail

    Quail breathing through his mouth (sick?)

    Hello! Looking out for my buddy of almost three years, our Coturnix quail has been breathing through his mouth all day. I don't think I've seen this before, but maybe I haven't looked closely enough? He has always been extremely calm little sleepy boy, so I don't think it's super weird, but he...
  4. C

    Respiratory issue in new chickens

    I recently purchased 5 ISA Browns from a nearby farm intending to integrate them into my existing flock of 18 birds, but after handling them, I’ve noticed a respiratory issue. One of the five hens has a crackling sound when breathing (rales?) and occasional mucus from her beak but otherwise...
  5. B

    Help- Rooster has lost appetite and is standing in place all day

    Hi! I have a 1 1/2 year old red pyle bantam who has been acting strange the past day or so. It started yesterday when I brought him inside (he likes to hang out with our indoor chicken). I noticed he wasn’t making much noise and he wouldn’t eat. He was also having diarrhea that started out with...
  6. K

    Sudden Chicken Illness

    Hello everyone, Two days ago, I noticed one of our 8 month old roosters was lying on his side in the coop. We isolated him from the others, and noticed that he has the symptom wry neck. He can’t stand up on his own without his neck sagging. Today we noticed that his eyes are swelling, and...
  7. M

    Can't figure out what's happening

    Looking for any ideas on what might be going on. We brought 4 new pullets into our flock. 2 cream legbar and 2 EE's. The EE's are older by a few weeks. I have now lost both legbar. Both seemed to have the same symptoms. Also a few from my older flock seem a bit off. There was red in the pullets...
  8. R

    New member here with some sad things to share

    Hi guys. I am Rohan from Bangladesh. I have been trying to join this community for so long but when I register it kept saying my behavior resembled automation or something. Anyway, I am finally here and I am glad about it. But I am not happy. If I had been here a few days ago, perhaps I could...
  9. S

    Quick question!

    Hello all, I recently got a chicken that is very active and eats a lot but I saw that she has pooped brown runny poop sometimes and just now she pooped about 3-inch white worms, I'm putting diatomaceous earth in her food. Would this be good enough or should I do more?
  10. C

    Please help! I think my flock is experiencing a respiratory infection

    So a few days ago I made a post about my rooster Steve making a very strange moaning sound. Well today, one of my hens is sneezing and making wheezing sounds. She is still active and has no nasal discharge but I think it’s a respiratory infection going through my flock. I have never treated for...
  11. KrishnaChick

    His eye swelling has gone down, but not completely. We would love recommendations! Normal behavior, maintaining weight, slight nasal discharge

    I found him on the road in the middle of nowhere with a swollen eye and bony. We found out at the vet he weighed less than 12oz! We got a round of antibiotics and I have been putting terramycin in his eye, but it’s not completely gone. I’d love to get him healthy and introduced to the flock...
  12. M

    Swollen/ Discolored Wattles

    Hi all, I am a newer chicken owner and have a small backyard flock, this morning I woke up to find that one of my perfectly healthy Andalusians had extremely swollen wattles that have become discolored and more and more swollen throughout the day. The only symptom I keep seeing this in is...
  13. J

    weakness in young rooster

    symptoms appear to be as such: weakness in legs, droopy on only one wing, trips over himself and difficult to stand up, i saw it's legs shaking very quickly once for a few seconds but couldn't see it happening again, cough-like noise occasionally. it doesn't show signs of depression or lethargy...
  14. M

    Lethargic duck, same for three days maybe more

    Hello friends, I need help with a diagnosis and treatment for an adult female Muscovy duck. She is a mom duck that has been coming to my house with her two babies the last couple months. However, three days ago I noticed her laying down in my front yard with her wings a little droopy, and when...
  15. W

    Help! What is this???

    Hello. I’ve never seen this before. Do you know what is going on? He has no energy at all. Thanks!
  16. isabellajosie

    Help? Hen with white spots on her comb.

    Hello. I have a year old Easter Egger hen who I noticed yesterday has these raised white spots on her comb. They almost look like calcium deposits that are stuck to the comb. When I researched this, most results that pop up are about it being early signs of fowl pox. I have not noticed any...
  17. C

    Sick chicken

    My chicken who is 1 1/2 yr. Old seems listless and confused. She will walk around and drink water but not interested in treats and is not stayin with the other girls. This is very different behavior for her.
  18. G

    Help Please!

    I have been hatching chicks and geese. Twice now, I have had entire broods suddenly up and die. They'll be fine until I come back and they will be peeping loudly and gasping for breath. Almost immediately all of them will lie down, gasp for breath, peep, and die. Does anyone know what this is...
  19. AidKD

    Transferable diseases

    I think it would be good to keep everybody informed on this. Are there any diseases thay could be transferred from your flock to you? Or vice versa? And how can we watch out for it?
  20. M

    Hen gasping for air

    My hen had been kissing feathers for a while on her back mostly. I thought it could be molt however it never progressed into kissing more feathers. I’ve never witnessed any of the chickens picking on her. They are free ranged with electric netting and moved every 1-2 days. I noticed her hanging...
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