
  1. Goose in the snake room

    HELP! Correct dosing Baytril/enrofloxacin

    I’m attempting to treat a respiratory infection in my 2 goslings. I have (Baytril) enrofloxacin 10% powder, meaning for 100mg of powder only 10mg is enrofloxacin. My geese are 6.8 and 6.6 lbs which is 3.08kg and 2.99kg. The dosing recommendations are 10mg of enrofloxacin per kg. So (from what...
  2. C

    Tiagard for chicks?

    I have 10, 2&3 week old chicks who have been showing signs of respiratory problems for over a week. (Sneezing, congestion) on the Facebook pages people recommended i order and use Tiagard from Amazon. So it finally came in today and the dosage is 3tsp/gal so i gave it to them. I just want to...
  3. C

    Please help! I think my flock is experiencing a respiratory infection

    So a few days ago I made a post about my rooster Steve making a very strange moaning sound. Well today, one of my hens is sneezing and making wheezing sounds. She is still active and has no nasal discharge but I think it’s a respiratory infection going through my flock. I have never treated for...
  4. C

    Hen won’t take her medication

    Hello, My 5 y/o chicken had some fluid in her stomach and the vet’s pumped it out and determined that it was one of three things: liver failure, cancer, or egg yolk peritonitis. We’re treating her with antibiotics because they found some yolk in the fluid that was inside her. Obviously if this...
  5. Jstaz

    Help needed! Multiple chicken issues…

    Suggestions needed. Found my chicken out in the yard. Not really eating or drinking. Lethargic not moving around much. Found the abdomen to be swollen and figured it was water belly or egg bound. Check the vent there’s no egg I’ve dealt with water belly before drained everything with no issue...
  6. coltgrizzz

    Sneezy Chicken Help

    One of our little silkies started sneezing about a week ago. Didn’t think much of it cause it was infrequent. Now she’s sneezing constantly. Other than the sneezing she’s fine - eating, drinking, foraging, no ocular or nasal discharge. She also seems to be the only member of the flock displaying...
  7. 95eanimal

    help! my ducks are sick and i need some tips

    hello, i need help! our ducklings are sick! OK, SYMTOMS ARE : breathing hard, fever, mouth open, butt pulses, boady shaking at bed time, and sleepy all the time. i took away there pond. they only have drinking water now.
  8. NanaB15

    Advice Needed Please! Getting Peachicks soon and need some advice!

    This may be a silly question, but do you give any of your fowl antibiotics, medication, anything of that sort? Hopeful for a reply! We just got some peachicks, about to have them in an aviary by our chicken pin, and just curious if we need to continue them on medicated chick feed starter or if...
  9. I

    Gave to mush aspirin

    So a few days ago my chicken hurt her leg and since then I’ve kept her separate from the others and occasionally giving her half a table of aspirin. This morning I forgot to cut it in half and gave her a full 325 mg tablet. It’s been a few hours and she seems fine, can this be deadly and if yes...
  10. 3bird

    Administering Oral Meds

    We need to start administering some new medication to one of our ducks, and we're looking for any suggestions. The primary medication is Pyrimethamine. It's a liquid (apple flavored!), and it needs to be given orally 1/day for 2-4 weeks at a dose of 0.15 ml. She also will be taking Sulfa...
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