respiratory disease

  1. Tanya22

    Fungal infection or Respiratory issues of rooster with wry neck

    Hi everyone. For almost 2 months now, my rooster has been suffering from wry neck and weak legs. He also has a breathing issue.. if he stumbles even a little bit, he starts breathing heavily. His nose sounds completely stuffed. He head is almost down to the floor the entire time he is standing...
  2. EmilyAlamano

    Managing flock, mycoplasma and bringing in new roosters

    Our flock has what our vet says seems like mycoplasma but it hasn’t been confirmed by testing post mortem. He gave us Tylan and we put whole flock on it for 6 days, but moving forward we don’t want to continue giving antibiotics to our flock now that we understand it can lead to spiraling flock...
  3. 1

    Rooster Cheek Swollen - Possible Illness

    We have a really old rooster of about 9 to 10 years of age. Yesterday afternoon we noticed his right cheek had become swollen, and he had mucus or other discharge on his beak. At the time someone suggested he may have just been stung by something and he would recover, but it's been over 24 hours...
  4. S

    Silkie wheezing

    I got some 6 month old silkies from a friend about a month ago. A couple of weeks ago. I noticed that one of them has been wheezing. Pretty bad. I wasn’t sure what was wrong with him so I have been giving him vetRX every few days. I’ve also given him. ACV, garlic water, hydro hen. I spoke to...
  5. PeepingK

    Will a mycoplasma carrier still test positive even after symptoms are gone?

    Most of my flock has had on again off again mild respiratory infection symptoms. Right now they all seem to be symptom free but I really want to do a PCR test for MG and MS since I sell hatching eggs and chicks. Since MG and MS are a CRD will they test positive even though they aren’t showing...
  6. C

    Please help! I think my flock is experiencing a respiratory infection

    So a few days ago I made a post about my rooster Steve making a very strange moaning sound. Well today, one of my hens is sneezing and making wheezing sounds. She is still active and has no nasal discharge but I think it’s a respiratory infection going through my flock. I have never treated for...
  7. Chickenmother26

    Fluid coming from nose, gasping, smelly poop, lethargic, increased water consumption hen

    Hello! I got a 12 week old hen off of Facebook (I know, not the best idea 😭) and she seems sick. We’ve had her for 11 days now. We noticed bloody diarrhea the second day, which we treated for coccidiosis using CORID for 5 days, and now she’s on the preventative dose. She immediately had more...
  8. Mistress-with-birbs

    Wheezing hen, may be respiratory illness?

    Hi guys. So one of my hens has a wheezing sound when she breathes. It sounds like when chickens labor right before they lay an egg. But it's constant. Now it is very hot here, it was 101 for three days this last week. I was out boothing at a festival during it, but when I returned home and took...
  9. thunder21

    My rooster might have respiratory fungal infection

    He just finished the 5-day treatment of two medication for coryza. His labored breathing and rales lessened and most of his droppings are solid. However, I noticed that his sneeze and cough are more frequent. He was also mouth breathing silently (no wheezing). Once in a while, he gurgles when he...
  10. thunder21

    Is it safe to mix two medication in water?

    Im currently treating my chicken from coryza and I have water soluble powder of Sulfamethoxazole Trimethoprim and Tylosin with Amoxicillin. Is it safe to mix them in 1 gallon water?? I couldn’t find any information about this. Thank you so much.
  11. DanAndQuails

    Treat or Euthanize? — Turkey In Bad Shape

    Hi everyone! I wish I was coming with better news. My broad breasted white turkey, Evelyn, is not doing well at all. Earlier yesterday she was doing fine going after food. Last night she had one swollen eye. This morning both eyes nearly sealed shut and was really acting sick. Not eating or able...
  12. L

    Black Tongue Sore?

    I thought for a while that this hen had been getting bullied, because she had a bare spot on her back. Now today I saw her standing at the top of the roost in the middle of the day. She was breathing heavily and her breaths were raspy and gurgles. Upon further inspection I saw that her tongue...
  13. J

    Video and pics. Help me diagnose 10 week old respiratory illness?

    Hi everyone. I have an 11ish week old Australorp chick (or is it pullet now?) that has been sick for a couple weeks, and I’d appreciate some help in maybe figuring out what’s going on, and how I can best help her. These are my first chickens, so I’d appreciate the input of others more...
  14. I

    Turkeys w/respiratory infection not responding to antibiotics. Help!

    Hello, I need help, please! I have a small flock of chickens and two Bronze turkeys that are 6 months old. I thought they had CRD and got advice from a guy who runs a feed store. He recommended .5 cc Bio Mycin injected over daily for 3 days. We did this and they got worse. After 6 days he...
  15. I

    Help sick turkeys!

    Hello, I need help, please! I have a small flock of chickens and two turkeys. I thought they had CRD and got advice from a guy who runs a feed store. He recommended Bio Mycin injected over daily for 3 days. We did this and they got worse. He said to try it again for 3 days. We just finished the...
  16. G

    Help needed: gander seems sick, with severe gaping

    The gander was eating normally until yesterday (Aug. 4). Yesterday, he ate much less than normal (sudden loss of appetite) and had severe head-and-neck-forward gaping multiple times. Today (Aug. 5), he hasn't eaten much, either, and still has gaping. I gave him water mixed with Sav-a-Chick...
  17. T


    hey everyone, I currently have a thread “RIR Pullets” which has backstory on everything. Basically have two RIR ~7.5 week old, one I’m worried potential coccidosis and the other some sort of respiratory illness. I just started them on CORID this morning. I have hydro-hen probiotics, electrolytes...
  18. The_Chicken_Tender

    Respiratory and reproductive problems

    In February I posted something about my chicken who was having a lot of issues. At first she was wheezing and panting, and then she laid a weird rubber egg after not laying for a long long time. She seemed to get better, so I thought she recovered, but now the exact, and I mean EXACT same thing...
  19. T

    Sneezing chicken clear nasal discharge

    I recently adopted a pair of silkie roosters from someone who was treating them for leg mites. Its all cleared up now, but there's another problem. One of the roosters has been sneezing and has clear nasal discharge. He doesn't have any other symptoms yet. The other has been yawning, but that's...
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