Official BYC Poll: Do You Wear a Mask or Respirator When Cleaning Your Coop?

Do you wear a mask or respirator when cleaning your coop?

  • Yes - Everytime I'm in the coop!

    Votes: 39 5.5%
  • Yes - Only when doing a deep clean

    Votes: 158 22.4%
  • Yes - Whenever I scoop or scrape off the poop board

    Votes: 41 5.8%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 81 11.5%
  • I used to, but I don't anymore

    Votes: 13 1.8%
  • No - Never

    Votes: 216 30.6%
  • No - Is that something I'm supposed to do????

    Votes: 133 18.8%
  • Other - Please elaborate

    Votes: 25 3.5%

  • Total voters
I only keep quails in a smaller outdoor coop, I have never worn any kind of mask, I imagine I would if I had a larger coop.
Well at least I tell myself I would but knowing myself I dont think I would bother XD
I don’t wear mask ever.
Trust The Lord, and till now didn’t got any sickess.
I keep my birds healty.
Enjoing the freedom to breathe ( till I can)
Oh my goodness that’s awful! Sorry to hear that! Yes, something like that would certainly teach you to mask up! My husband has cystic fibrosis, I don’t even really like him being in the coop to visit the birds, let alone when I do any kind of cleaning, because I worry about him.
That is not neurotic though. I'm assuming he's on one of the modern miracle meds of recent years, but even so, he shouldn't be going anywhere near the birds at all, really.
Just got chickens, but probably should wear a mask when cleaning (at least deep cleaning). I have bad bad allergies to the outdoors as it is. Don't need that dusty stuff going into my lungs too!
I'm UK based and have 6 quail and they're in an outside run like my profile pic- they have another smaller place attached with a bigger sheltered area but no sheltered areas are completely closed off or have doors. I'm outside the whole time and they are too (with shelters and hides) so great ventilation but when I'm doing a big clean and moving their pens around the garden I mask up and wear my glasses instead of contacts. Assuming this is okay and being as safe as I can be.
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I don't wear anything. I've breathed so much chemical fumes and pollutants from the chemical plant that I worked in that I don't even think about it. I clean the coop every day so the poop is not dusty just the shavings it's in.
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We all know how much dust those birds can create, so I'm just wondering who wears some kind of respiratory protection when they are in and around the coop - and when!

Have you had any issues from not wearing a mask?

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Hi, in the past, I built a mobile coop with a floor and had deep bedding which I would in a year cleaned out. And yes, I would have worn a mask. I had to move and give up my chickens, so I never did that. Now, I am reconstructing the mobile coop to take off the plywood floor and construct a 1 inch hardware cloth floor so the manure falls out on the wood chips in a run enclosed by electric fencing. I dont have to be concerned about bedding or any redpiratory issues!!

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