Ocellated Turkeys

I love these birds.  I can't believe they are classed as the same species as 'normal' turkeys, as they are so different looking.

It also makes me really sad when I see people hunting them, as they are such beautiful birds, and their wild population is declining and tiny in comparison with the 'normal' turkeys.  

Its almost like going out and shooting peacocks. 

They are not the same species. They are within the same genus, meleagris, but are different species. Ocellated are meleagris ocellata, "normal" turkeys are meleagris gallopavo.
I know this thread is months old but I think this turkey is very pretty. The following images are not mine, they are from websurfing. Earlier in this thread it is mentioned they are hard to care for, may I ask in what way? What about their care is different from other turkeys?

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