My roosters injured a hawk what do I do?

And just another tip. STOP USING SEVIN DUST ON CHICKENS. if you use sevin dust on chickens you can never eat their eggs again. It is poisonous to humans no matter what people try to say about it being it's not. It is illegal to use in other countries. And has been known to cause heath problems for both humans and animals alike.
Is this true with DE dust as well?
ohh, yes diatomaceous earth. No it is not the same with DE meaning you can definitely eat eggs after using it. Actually some people drink small amounts of food grade DE for its health benefits. Diatomaceous earth is the fossilized remains of microscopic algae. It kills bugs by dehydrating it and cutting them up. It's also very useful for cleaning like a magic eraser. I use it all the time.
The hen that got attacked is ok. They are all looking very proud of their selves. The hawk died right before I called. So I decided to just take it and put it down in the woods far away from the chicken run so I wouldn't attract any creatures. I guess some animal will have a meal tonight. Anyway when I went outside and saw that it was dead I noticed that it was COVERED in mites! They where climbing all over it I didn't notice them when it was alive so I guess that when it died they realized that they had to find a live animal to live on. I'm worried though what if they spread to my chickens. I'm not sure how long it was laying there dead. What should I do to help insure that my chickens don't get the mites?
Permethrine poultry dust is fine, clean out the coop, treat the coop and the birds and get all new bedding and litter.
And just another tip. STOP USING SEVIN DUST ON CHICKENS. if you use sevin dust on chickens you can never eat their eggs again. It is poisonous to humans no matter what people try to say about it being it's not. It is illegal to use in other countries. And has been known to cause heath problems for both humans and animals alike.
Can you provide your sources on this?

Hopefully the hawk is just gone now. Frankly, I wouldn't make the call. Tell your chickens I am very proud of them for the defeat.
I agree. The hawk attacked your chickens on your property and they fought to survive. I would dispose of it in the woods and definitely not call anyone.
I've had many roosters do a great job at protein the flock from hawks. Some died in the process. 2 of them were great at sounding the alarm and wouldn't attack the hawk until it had a hen. Then they would fight it. The rooster died both times but that hawk didn't come back after that for a long time so he must of beat him up good.
They were a leghorn and a EE or ameraucana.
Try sprinkling some food-grade DE around the area it was attacked as well. That is why I only use electric zap traps for mice and rats in my garden and around my coop. Everything dies when it gets zapped, including fleas, mites, ticks, etc. That's my biggest fear with dead vermin in my yard, what comes off of them when they die. Yuck.
The hen that got attacked is ok. They are all looking very proud of their selves. The hawk died right before I called. So I decided to just take it and put it down in the woods far away from the chicken run so I wouldn't attract any creatures. I guess some animal will have a meal tonight. Anyway when I went outside and saw that it was dead I noticed that it was COVERED in mites! They where climbing all over it I didn't notice them when it was alive so I guess that when it died they realized that they had to find a live animal to live on. I'm worried though what if they spread to my chickens. I'm not sure how long it was laying there dead. What should I do to help insure that my chickens don't get the mites?
Do you have any Prozap?

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