My roosters injured a hawk what do I do?

ohh, yes diatomaceous earth. No it is not the same with DE meaning you can definitely eat eggs after using it. Actually some people drink small amounts of food grade DE for its health benefits. Diatomaceous earth is the fossilized remains of microscopic algae. It kills bugs by dehydrating it and cutting them up. It's also very useful for cleaning like a magic eraser. I use it all the time.
DE is barely mediocre for pest control , causes respiratory issues in people and especially birds and is horrible for the environment.
For what ever reason people have over the years become used to using chemicals and poisons and all sorts of horrible things that they were never supposed to be around. It's a habit that people really should try to break. In truth all chemical pesticides will cause health problems you probably won't just drop dead from them. But in time sadly they will cause problems you just probably won't be able to say exactly what it was that caused the health issue. And that's how they are still currently able to sell these products and claim them to be safe.
Over the years I've seen many products that where supposedly perfectly safe and everyone used them. Only to see years later that they found the product wasn't safe and had caused all sorts of horrible problems. Then they would come out with a new product that everyone said actually really was safe this time and is so much better than that poisonous thing that they used to use. But eventually after time it to was proven to cause severe problems. And it all just keeps repeating itself. 🙄 I keep wondering when people will catch on...probably never. 🤷 I feel bad for them really.

Just so you guys know everyone here on this site is awesome. And I respect all your opinions 👍🏻
The hen that got attacked is ok. They are all looking very proud of their selves. The hawk died right before I called. So I decided to just take it and put it down in the woods far away from the chicken run so I wouldn't attract any creatures. I guess some animal will have a meal tonight. Anyway when I went outside and saw that it was dead I noticed that it was COVERED in mites! They where climbing all over it I didn't notice them when it was alive so I guess that when it died they realized that they had to find a live animal to live on. I'm worried though what if they spread to my chickens. I'm not sure how long it was laying there dead. What should I do to help insure that my chickens don't get the mites?
You aren't going to spray into their faces, and need to wear at least a N95 face mask and long sleeves, and shower after using any product.
Mites and lice will kill chickens; ask me how I know...
And there's no egg withdrawal using those products. Don't wait until your birds are overwhelmed by these nasty parasites.
Trust me I don't want them to look like that hawk. It was horrible looking.
The hen that got attacked is ok. They are all looking very proud of their selves. The hawk died right before I called. So I decided to just take it and put it down in the woods far away from the chicken run so I wouldn't attract any creatures. I guess some animal will have a meal tonight. Anyway when I went outside and saw that it was dead I noticed that it was COVERED in mites! They where climbing all over it I didn't notice them when it was alive so I guess that when it died they realized that they had to find a live animal to live on. I'm worried though what if they spread to my chickens. I'm not sure how long it was laying there dead. What should I do to help insure that my chickens don't get the mites?
Permethrine poultry dust is fine, clean out the coop, treat the coop and the birds and get all new bedding and litter.
And just another tip. STOP USING SEVIN DUST ON CHICKENS. if you use sevin dust on chickens you can never eat their eggs again. It is poisonous to humans no matter what people try to say about it being it's not. It is illegal to use in other countries. And has been known to cause heath problems for both humans and animals alike.
Can you provide your sources on this?
De is strip mined, look it up. Not good! And it's a poor insecticide, and bad to inhale. Not worth using, IMO. Sevin (carbaryl) is an insecticide that's no longer approved for use on poultry in the USA. Just don't use it.
Here we use permethrin spray, if possible, or the dust, if it's just too cold outside. And those miserable house wrens and sparrows do invade our coop often, bringing those mites.
Unfortunately, I can't. Sevin dust is usually only reserved for the worst infestations. Within proper use, it's fine.
Maybe I can attach part of it.
Just read through this and you have a truly amazing flock.

We have all sorts of birds of prey here. From Hawks to Bald Eagles, they have all either circled my coop or set in nearby trees eyeing the run like a starving person at an all you can eat buffet.

If your birds are in a run, do you have a net up over it? I do and so far no incursions. If a protected species breaches the security I have set up and gets in my run I plan to call the local conservation people and tell them to come get their bird before I turn my Old English Game Bantam roosters loose on it and it dies from death by a thousand pecks. I have no doubt that my roosters would do the same thing and my Fayoumi hens are fierce fighters also.

Sorry the hawk died. They are beautiful creatures but gladder that your hen is okay and your birds took care of the problem.

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