Getting girls to Coop up


Feb 23, 2020
Orchard, Texas
I recently lost a hen inside my coop which is quite large and not sure what happened. The coop is buried chain link all sides with extra wire/plywood/hardware cloth in vulnerable areas. I either had something chase one of my layers into the coop or somehow reach through the chain link to get it. I have an auto door that was working properly so nothing got inside during the night.

Remaining girls wouldn't coop up afterwards so they are now locked up inside the coop (chicken jail as my wife calls it). Up before sunrise this morning and noticed they ha roosted on a lower bar and nesting boxes. That area is protected by plywood and maybe they feel more secure there after the recent murder.

How long should I leave them cooped up? I think at least a few weeks so that they know being inside the coop is safe.

Photo for reference.


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Is this whole thing what you're calling the coop? How large is it and how many birds total? As long as there's enough space they can technically stay there indefinitely.

Chain link won't exclude weasels, rats, snakes. The chicken wire at the bottom might make it harder for raccoons to reach in but the wire is thin enough that it can be twisted and pulled so that they could reach in.

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