
I used to think they were rather ugly until a friend gave me some muscovies. They've really grown on me. They're pretty mellow, Great at hatching out eggs, and very tasty.
They are a lot different than mallard derived ducks.
I do agree that Pekin's may seem kind of bland, but they have their good points too. One of my first ducklings was a Pekin. Naively, we thought the tiny yellow duckling was a female, so we named "her" Daisy. It wasn't until we saw Daisy trying to"drown" the other ducks that we realized she was a he. Anyway, Daisy proved to be a great drake. There are so many breeds to choose from, you should be able to find something you like. Usually, the problem for most of us is that we like so many kind we have trouble narrowing our choice down to what we can take care of.
Muscovies are really good incubators and lay lots of eggs. I wish I would have fixed their wings so they couldn't fly. Each hatch I say that. I enjoy watching them with their ducklings and they grow so fast. I have a hatch of 12 right now. Well they are 3 months old.
I have 5 total 1 chocolate drake 1 blue drake 2 black and white females and one plain white female im getting 4 new blue tommarrow
I also have 3 peacocks lots of pigeons one goose
and alot of chickens!!
1 goose? does it think it's a duck? lol I have an Embden gander that was hatched by one of my Muscovy ducks and for over 6 yrs he thought he was a giant duck till I got him a goose in 2012. He now knows he is a goose not a Scovy. If you have time to go to my profile page I have all kinds of pics of my Scovy's Please post pics of your new ones when you get time. and Peas oh my would i love to have some of them. okay you need to work on your profile, get some pics uploaded
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no lol I bought her with a male (I bought them as a pair) and one day the male just wasn't there no feathers NOTHING I was devastated so I plan on buying her a hubby ASAP and don't worry ill post some pics

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