March Hatch A Long... anyone with me??

I'll be there with you fine folks...trying hatch number two (number one due Thursday). I am visiting a member of the Ameraucana Breeders Club on his farm in Mississippi Sunday and picking up two dozen eggs from his blues and blacks. They should go in the late in the day on the 13th or first thing in the morning on the I will be looking at March 6-7th hatch.
Casey76 very handsome rooster! Those are some really pretty birds. I had never heard of them before and thank you for sharing the pictures! I will be getting my eggs next week so I might set a little early so that they will hatch on a weekend instead of a Thursday so maybe next Friday evening or Saturday morning.
This would be a WOW hatch if it happens.... good luck..

I bet if they were fertile you will have some hatch. I had a friend that has 6 dozen laying around for over 5 weeks. She decided to pop them in the incubator and see what happened. She got a lot of little duckies out of the deal.
This would be a WOW hatch if it happens.... good luck..

I bet if they were fertile you will have some hatch. I had a friend that has 6 dozen laying around for over 5 weeks. She decided to pop them in the incubator and see what happened. She got a lot of little duckies out of the deal.

really, they hatched? I didn't think that would be possible.

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