Lemon Blue and Self Blue

Go for it!
Lemon blue is a blue on brown red. Blue partridge is easy.. blue on a partridge(also very beautiful).

Thanks for clarifying. I heard it somewhere and never really investigated to find out what was what. I do really like the lemon blue Moderns in the previous post.
What's the difference?

I know/regard birchen as the pattern not color(as a result of reading poultry geneticists comments lol)- brown red simply being a gold birchen and the "birchens"(black with white hackles/saddles) as being silver birchens. Same pattern, just either gold or silver.
In the game bantam world Birchen - Brown Red- Lemon Blue and Silver Blue are refered to as a crowwing pattern.

I raise and show Lemon Blue and Silver Blue modern game bantams.

Yea, almost mentioned crowwing but figured my posts were long enough.. lol Crowwing is also used in standard OEG and longtails.

And then there's Black Copper Marans.. same as brown red/gold birchen/crowwing, etc.

I have a Blue Copper Marans cockerel now. I have a feeling if I said I had a Lemon Blue Marans, I probably would get corrected for that.... yet they are the same really.

IMO the names really need to be standardized more evenly. Fat chance of that ever happening though.

Do you have pictures of your Silver Blues?

Those cochins in that picture you used are mine. My wife and I have been breeding standard cochins for almost 5 years and have been experementing with the lemon-blue coloring for almost 3. We have used other colors than your "only way" of achiving lemon-blue.

That being said, the "lemon-blue" coloring is still expremental. We love the darker heads that our cochins display. I am curious... what IS the American Standard of Perfection definition of a lemon-blue cochin? I can find golden laced and buff and black but no lemon-blue. Hmmmm.

I believe I can call my lemon-blue cochins lemon-blue. Until they become a "standard" color they are just for fun. We love them and so do our customers. If the ASP ever do decide to define a lemon-blue then we will change, if we need too. The blue cochins do not breed true either but it doesn't stop people from buying them and making them popular.

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Don, I don't know what color you call the birds but they sure are beautiful and I hope someday I can have some that color whatever it is called. I have 2 Buff, 2 Blue and 1 Black Cochins now, all pullets I hope . Good luck with your breeding.

I got my lemon-blue eggs from you!! Below are 4 of the chicks that were hatched on Friday. From looking at them, can you estimate what their adult color may be?




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Hey Congrats! I am sure the top two pics will be lemons. It will be hard to be sure until they start to feather. The bottom two might be blue but they could end up with some dusting of yellow. Even though we are still exprementing with this coloring, we have been really happy with the results. Please keep me posted as they grow up! I just wish we could guarantee 100% lemon-blues!

Here is a pic of one of our young pullets. She was killed in a bobcat raid about 4 months ago. Beautiful hen.


We just had a round of lemon-blue chicks hatch over the weekend. Here is a pic of the first three. There are two more, but I haven't gotten a pic of those yet. Looks like we will end up with one buff, one dark blue and three lemons.


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