leg paralysis in a game hen...last chance-she needs help! **UPDATE**

Thanks everyone. I got a response back right away from Patty. (lovely person) She basically said that she has been sucessful in the past with just supportive care and Poly Vi Sol no iron. But it hasn't always worked either. I had been using just the farm animal powdered vitamins that turn the water yellow, so I'll try switching. But the little red hen has started losing interest in eating the last day or so, and her friend hen (tiny little OEGB) has started to peck her. I took out her "friend" and I'll just see what the next couple of days bring, but it may be time to have a difficult talk with the little girl that owns her
it's funny, the girl has a whole ranch full of animals, but she really only LOVES this hen...
we had 3 astralaupe hens go down in very quick order after purchasing 4 point of lay.
2 died within a day or 2 of going lame, the 3rd we put down as with several days of nursing her, she continued to deteriorate rapidly.
The 4th hen went broody within a couple of months & then raised 6 little chooks from a friends "foster clutch"
Then She went down ! also loosing condition & feathers...[ by then had another 5 assorted hens & a rooster that we fostered too ]. I wondered if it was mite / lice though couldn't see any, but her feathers were disintegrating at the quill.
I bathed her in warm/to hot soapy water, rinsed her in fresh warm water, dried her & dusted her with Diatomaceous Earth, kept her from others as they hen pecked her somewhat... and within a day she was hobbling & within few days she was on both her legs & rapidly put on condition. Now 3 months later [May / winter in Tasmania ] she is my most reliable layer & is in wonderful condition. Have kept wood ash [ from fireplace ] & diatomaceous earth dust bath ever since. hope this helps

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