Chick with leg problems


In the Brooder
Jun 10, 2023
Lieren, Netherlands
Hello all,

I have a 4 week old Bielefelder what is having problems with walking. The problems started on the day she became 3 weeks old. The days before she was a bit slower than her sisters but no problems with walking. The legs where paralysed and it moved by dropping and flapping her wings. I started directly with vitamin B Complex tablets 2 times a crushed 1/4 tablet a day.

After a few days she could use her right leg a bit better.

And after about 5 days i saw improvement on her left leg.

I my opinion the legs are improving small steps at a time but she still stumbles over her toes and sitting most of the times on her hocks. When she sits the toes are sticking foreward or a bit curled in. Sometimes i see the feet like normal if she is sitting at the food.

She eat and drinks. And is going by her self flapping and stumbling towards the food and waterer.

My questions is how long can it take before she will be able to walk if it is indeed a vitamin B2 deficiency? And is it wise to continue with the crushed 1/4 vitamine B complex tablet?
I would continue the B complex daily. Can you post a picture of her standing where the legs and feet are in clear view?
Many thanks for your reply i will continue the tablets. On one of the pictures she just got enough strength to keep standing. That was not possible when it started. When she will start walking she will stumble over her toes. Most of the time she sits like the other pictures. We are now exactly one week giving the B complex.


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Today it looks like she is still improving. Now the only problem is she is not stable on her right leg that was actualy her best leg.

It looks like it is getting straight or wobly at her knee joint. Not wobbly side ways but for standing not stable. It gets overstretched a little and than sometimes she falls with her leg backwards but she corrects this directly.

Can this be because she needs to gain strength or do we need to fixate the joint so it is not overworked?
Does anyone know what slipped tendon looks like? I read you can give them beef liver for that, but I've never seen it before, so I feel unqualified to diagnose it.
There could be a slipped tendon or a bone deformity. Hopefully with the vitamins, the chick will improve. A slipped tendon makes the joint look flat. Here is a video where the tendon is put back into place:

Many thanks for the answers. I dont feel any diferences between the left and the right joint.

I will go this afternoon to our vet so he can have a look if this is maybe the case.
We came back from the vet. According him everything is on the correct place. He thinks it is because it got stretched out to much and he expect it will solve itself. He gave a painkiller and i need to keep a close eye how she is doing the comming days.
The chick is improving a lot. Today the leg is a lot more stable than yesterday. How long is it best to continue with the B complex 1/4 tablets? It took 1.5 week before we got this result.

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