leg paralysis in a game hen...last chance-she needs help! **UPDATE**


10 Years
Jul 29, 2009
N.San Diego County
Hi, I have posted a long time ago about this particular hen....she is a hen belonging to a dear friend of mine who found her on a horse trail and kept her. She started having leg weakness and falling over. You BYC'ers said that it was a nutritional problem, so for several months my friend has kept her in a rabbit hutch (so the other chickens don't beat her up, and to give her extra food and vitamins in her water) but all to no avail. The little hen has progressively gotten worse. I thought that she wasn't getting enough food, or that the lay mash provided by her owner was not good for her. (She has NEVER laid an egg.)
The little hen has come to live at my house now, supposedly because I'm the chicken expert who will find a way to make her all better. *sigh* She has been here for a week on a very high protein diet (game bird feed mixed with chick gro all wetted down) and vitamins in her water and scrambled eggs. As of today, she can't weight bear on her legs at all and can only move around by flailing and can barely sit up even on her hocks. I think over time her leg muscles have atrophied somewhat, and her right foot looks curled most of the time.
She is NO better, perhaps even worse. So it's the last chance for little "El Pico." Next step is to have the horse vet "put her down" the next time he's out. What more can be done? What in the heck is wrong? I know most of you will say to just have her put down; the problem is--- she is the treasured pet of a little girl named Kristin who believes that El Pico can get better. If you have any ideas for me, please don't hesitate.
Oh, and she does eat and drink, and poops, and looks bright.



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I can't diagnose or treat her for you, but I may have a clue for you.

I had a bantam roo who did exactly what you've been seeing. He ate and drank fine, was bright and healthy except for creeping paralysis in his legs. After several weeks I had my vet check him out. (vet has chickens too.) He had had a chicken of his with the same problem and had sent it off for necropsy after he euthanized it. Turrns out it was from eating moldy food ONCE. It causes permanant neurological damage that worsens as time goes by. He put down my roo, and it was the same thing.

I scoured the coop and run and sure enough, food had gotten into tiny crevices and had some mold in there. I have now gotten paranoid about wet food, because it rains here a lot.

I'm not saying that's the problem, but it seems to be a good possibility.

Hope I'm wrong!
Wow, that's a mystery. How long has she been like that? Have you all tried the Vitamin E boost? I don't know if it would help, but I doubt it would hurt her. I guess it could be nerve damage as well. B12 is supposed to be good for that, however, I don't have any idea of dosing.
I sure wish I could help save the poor thing.
Good luck to you all.
It has been several months now of verrrry slow and gradual worsening of her leg weakness. First it was just unsteadiness, then really wobbly, now virtual paralysis. I lost sleep over this last night--- It's frustrating when she seems so healthy otherwise and I don't know how to help her......
I have not tried the vitamin E boost, I'll do a search for it right now.....
Oh my gosh moldy food....... ONCE??!?!? That could easily have happened somehow, at some point.......just....wow..... I am sorry that happened to your roo too. Unbelievable.
I will email that person also and thank you for the address......I'll keep you all updated for sure
Good luck and just keep on trying thing work sometimes at the last minute!
Theirs always a way out their you just have to find it!
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