Is this blackhead poop?


9 Years
Nov 8, 2010
North Edwards

This poop is coming from my male turkey. I only have 2 turkeys, a tom and a hen, living with 7 chickens. Their area is kept pretty clean. I just recently changed their feed from 18% protein to 22%, did the feed change make his poop funny? He doesn't poop like this all the time though. Sometimes it's healthy, fertilizer worthy poops and sometimes it's this stinky yellow goopy kind. I just wanna make sure my turkeys don't have blackhead.
I'm not an expert and fact is I don't even own a turkey yet. But I've been doing a lot of research on my path to turkey ownership and I would probably suspect your feed just due to the fact you say it's inconsistent. Seems that most turkeys that I've read about have all the symptoms pop up together such as lethargy, not eating, head drawing inwards, and the diarrhea. Fact is I think the bad poop is one of the latter symptoms from what I've read.

I'm sure someone with a little more knowledge will pop in to correct me if I'm wrong but I've noticed my chickens doing the same thing when I've had to substitute their feed because their brand is out, or I've fed them some rich stuff from the house.

Good luck and you might want to look up in a search what to use for suspected Blackhead just in case!
This is an old post the photos are super helpful and reassuring. Thanks!
The *only* time I saw poop like that was in a turkey that *did* have blackhead and two peafowl had the same poop, but they had coccidiosis. The turley got better with metronidazole, but the peafowl died and were necropsied by UC Davis.


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