HELP! Yellow poop


Aug 8, 2022
I just had a turkey die and it squirted out yellow poop. I saw some spots of yellow poop last night so I did some research and it could be blackhead, worms, too much acted normal so I was going to get medicine today to just be safe and it died before I could. Nothing was moving in the poop like worms. I took pictures of the poop so if you can tell me what you think it is so if I need to treat my whole flock of chickens and other turkeys I can. I have a much of babies so I don't need them all getting something it could kill them.

Also, it's been really hot the last few days and big storms. They refused to take shelter.


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I just had a turkey die and it squirted out yellow poop. I saw some spots of yellow poop last night so I did some research and it could be blackhead, worms, too much acted normal so I was going to get medicine today to just be safe and it died before I could. Nothing was moving in the poop like worms. I took pictures of the poop so if you can tell me what you think it is so if I need to treat my whole flock of chickens and other turkeys I can. I have a much of babies so I don't need them all getting something it could kill them.
That certainly sounds like blackhead. I have been dealing with it also. By the time I first noticed any yellow colored droppings the jenny that produced it died shortly thereafter. I've only noticed a couple more instances of the yellow droppings the day after I've started treatment on 3 other birds and then as the treatment was completed the droppings were solid and back to normal. The sulfur colored droppings were a late symptom in my experience and if you watch your birds closely and pay attention to their appetite and demeanor you can pick up on subtle cues before they develop the sulfur colored droppings. Start treatment immediately if you have metronidazole on hand at 50mg per kg daily for 5 days. Also bayril daily for 5 days as well. If you do the injectable it is 9.1 mg per pound. I am using the water soluble powder right now and it is 1 tsp per gallon (1/4 tsp per quart if using a smaller waterer).
Chickens can be asymptomatic carriers of the protozoan that causes the blackhead infection. It is lethal to turkeys 70-100% of the time if they aren't treated quickly. That is why it isn't recommended to house chickens and turkeys in the same area. Chickens have roamed every area on my property so I will likely deal with blackhead as long as I raise turkeys. It's been frustrating and stressful but I know how to spot it early now and get treatment started before losing birds. We are dealing with it as it comes. The birds that have recovered are robust and healthy now. Best of luck to you!
Early symptoms of blackhead are sleepiness, not as vigorous and eager to forage, going off feed (poor appetite), droopy wings, and indifference to being handled. In the later stages of the illness they don't try to get away when you try to handle them. In the early days of the illness they will still run and make an effort to get away. I've noticed mine get very liquid diarrhea early on, probably from reduced feed intake. The yellow droppings are a late symptom. Mine have never stopped drinking water while being ill so I've not had the need to tube feed. They go off feed but that doesn't worry me as much as not getting any water. By about day 3 of treatment is when I've found their appetite returns.

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