How many eggs did you get this past week?

You must eat lots of eggs or give or sell lots of eggs!
Austrolops? How is their lay rate. Another guy just called me and said I could trade him my lazy light brahmas for 2 Astrolops.
You must eat lots of eggs or give or sell lots of eggs!

all of the above-If I dont sell out as soon as they are laid we eat them and this time of year I hold onto about 2 weeks worth and make decorations out of them to sell for extra xmas $:) believe me ...even my girls help me knowing where the $ is going! LOL
Since I can't keep a good eye on them every day I've only seen them in the nesting boxes a few times, hard for me to tell who lays the most, although my white rock lays at least 6 days a week, I can count on her..
You must eat lots of eggs or give or sell lots of eggs!

all of the above-If I dont sell out as soon as they are laid we eat them and this time of year I hold onto about 2 weeks worth and make decorations out of them to sell for extra xmas $:) believe me ...even my girls help me knowing where the $ is going! LOL

I'm averaging 8 and 9 eggs a day, I'm going to have to either give them away or start selling them too, I'm thinking of pickling them and sending them to family for the holidays..

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