How many eggs did you get this past week?


10 Years
Dec 26, 2009
Rock Hill SC
I got 61 eggs this week from 11 pullets!! Wooo Hoooo!
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How did you get that many eggs? Share your wisdom? What breed? How old?

I have been so impatient with my flock. The only ones laying at 7 months old on a consistent basis are my to RIRs.

My 2 Americanas, and 2 Light Brahmas are just eating feed! I have an offer from a local farmer to trade me 3 RIRS that are close to 1 year old for my four 7 month olds (the Americanas and Brahmas). Do you think I should take the slightly older Rhode Island Reds and ditch my four younger pretty non-layers?

Please advise ASAP!!! - newbie Sarah
Good point. Also, how common is chicken lice? If I do this trade to increase my egg laying, I'm giving my four chickens away. These four chickens were all treated for a very mild case of chicken lice last month, and seem fully recovered. I guess I should be honest and share this info. with the farmer I'm trading with. But then again, I bet her flock of 100 birds as mild chicken lice at times too right?
I have no wisdom, I'm new to chickens too, all I do is feed them layer feed, give them a treat of scratch every day when I get home from work, and let them free range while I'm home. I also give them treats like cooked spaghetti, cooked oatmeal, bread ends, and any leftovers I have, no secrets here...
I have RIR's, barred rocks, new hampshire reds, austrolorps, one white rock and one jersey giant... all 24 and 27 weeks old..
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