Help with an unabsorbed yolk sac

When you say it will be ok in a couple of hours, how much of an egg sac are you talking about?
The two times it happened with me, it was early hatching very active chicks that had large egg
sacs hanging from flaccid umbilicous. They didnt absorb or fall off but pulled out more innards after the
chick struggled with its hanging eggs sac for hours before herniating. At the time intuitively I felt I should have cut
it off but after hearing over and over they would reabsorb I didnt and the chick suffered and died and
never reabsorbed anything but indured for three horrible days. Are we talking about the same thing?
A little protrusion will go in and should be ignored, but a hanging sac invaribly in my case results in herniated chicks doomed
to die. I think I have a hot spot in my incubator as frequently I get a couple of early chicks that tend to be
extra active.
Hello, I have a similar situation at this very moment. 7chicks hatches successfully and then the mom left the next box and the rest of the eggs (6) and started to care for the chicks. But I noticed one egg had started to peep out. It was moving so I thought it was struggling to get out, so I started to help it by peeing the shell, half way into it, I noticed way too much blood. It was too late to stop (so I thought) so I continued just to find that the yolk was not completely absorbed. I feel horrible! I think it would of been fine if I had left it. I don’t have an incubator nor the money to run and buy one. So I put the chick on a moist cloth on top of a warm light.
SHOULD I CUT OFF THE YOLK SAC? Should I leave it? Will it absorb it???? HELP
I just had to cull a chick like that. The hanging yolk dried up but looked like a rotting mess. It addition it had a leg that didn’t bend so it was doomed. I was hoping it would die quickly but this was 24 hrs after birth. I wanted to end his pain but I must say it’s a terrible thing to do:(
One of my chicks hatched out with the yolk sac attached to it's navel, and I don't mean partially absorbed, it was hanging on outside and it has a flat little abdomen. The yolk sac was brownish-yellow and it burst when the little guy tried to kick out of the egg. I wrapped the whole thing up carefully in a cloth and put it in a coffee mug in the brooder so it can't kick anymore. It seems to be doing fine. Anyone else have experience with this issue?
I have one that just hatched out, its laying on its side in the bottom half of the egg with little bit of yolk still on his tummy. It was a very bloody hatch, he's still breathing shallowly. What is the chance of him surviving?
How did it go hun? I’m dealing with the same thing right now. I posted 3 emergency posts and only on nice lady is replying. I have no clue what to do!!
Hi Guys, this is happening to me. Little chick with a great big unabsorbed yolk sac kicked her way out of the egg. It was large and yellow. I've been reading this forum, and followed initial instructions: I've kept her away from other hatching chicks and tried to keep her still. I put her in a warm safe broody box on her own. She popped the yolky bit but it did not seem to bleed out, which I am taking as a good sign.

I need help with what to do next, please??

Two parts of advice on this forum are conflicting- do I tie up the umbilical section and wait for it to fall off / snip it off or do I try to put it back inside her?

I would be really grateful for your help!!
How did it go hun? I’m dealing with the same situation with my duckling. Huge yolk sac still attached and I’m holding him all wrapped up on my chest. I don’t know if I should tie it off or not and nobody is answering me! 😢
Well, it was definitely the whole yolk, and that burst and fell off leaving an umbilical cord type protrusion. I isolated it for several hours and then when I checked it the cord-thing was drying up and the chick was acting normal. I cut off as much as I could and there's maybe a quarter inch of it left that's pretty dry now. I dipped her beak in water and she wasn't interested but other than that she's acting like a normal, sleepy newborn. Only real problem now is that she got her back dirty with the yolk mess and I haven't been able to get it all cleaned off so she's only fluffy from the neck up. Wiping with a warm damp cloth wouldn't get it all off and I was afraid to dip her in water since I want the cord to dry! I'll check on her periodically tonight and see how it goes.

Boy, has this been a long day.
Thank you the one good story I read of this case. I hope mine will also be alike. it is seems that the cord is drying and in dark red color. I put the chick with it's mother hen because it was screaming like hell for me... and I think she doing ok.

in the picture it is the smaller one on the left.

Thank you for the hope!!!


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How did it go hun? I’m dealing with the same situation with my duckling. Huge yolk sac still attached and I’m holding him all wrapped up on my chest. I don’t know if I should tie it off or not and nobody is answering me! 😢
for next time. not that I know much, what I did is to take the chick out for the night and put on it (that yolk sac left) some antibiotic cream I luckily got from a neighbor and it seemed much better after the night and after another night it seems like not much left I think it absorbed into the chick naturally and maybe his mother ate some too I have no idea. I think he is still a live and drinking so maybe would survive..
I am letting nature do the work and check on that chick every now and then just to learn for next time.
Help with an unabsorbed yolk sacOne of my chicks hatched out with the yolk sac attached to it's navel, and I don't mean partially absorbed, it was hanging on outside and it has a flat little abdomen. The yolk sac was brownish-yellow and it burst when the little guy tried to kick out of the egg. I wrapped the whole thing up carefully in a cloth and put it in a coffee mug in the brooder so it can't kick anymore. It seems to be doing fine. Anyone else have experience with this issue?

Most will tell you to leave it alone and it will reabsorb. That has not been my experience. The chick will give himself a hernia by stepping on the egg sac that will be difficult to stuff back in. This will look like a loop of intestine is hanging out as well as the egg sac which will blacken with time. The other chicks will instinctively peck at it and give the chick a slow miserable death if not isolated. If the chick has a hernia he will probably die, even if isolated in about 3 days. I would cut off the egg sac and cauterize the stump immediately or clamp it for 30 minutes especially since it’s already broken. The dangling mess he is dragging around is inviting infection and will almost certainly be stepped on pulling out things that won't go back in and making life impossible. I would also dip his bill in sugar water and keep him warm and isolated. Very tiny amounts of sugar water will keep him going.
I am having this same problem for the first time but the sac has not ruptured! I’m terrified to cut it loose how would I clamp it?

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