HELP! ducklings beak behind yolk sac??

I would recommend taking some Neosporin or Vaseline with a q tip and coating the membrane so it doesn't stick to the duckling then let him finish on his own.
Thank you but hes been out of the egg for 4 days now! ^^

Lovebug is doing really good! The plug fell off, not sure when but it did and now his belly looks nice and soft!
Hes eating and drinking and pooping a ton! He doesn't really like being held yet like Newt does (that's because I held Newt for pretty much the first day of her life since we didn't have a heat source lol) but hes getting there! Hes fell asleep in my hand a few times now.
He also does well when I'm not home so I feel less stressed about that now.

I honestly doubt he could've gotten out by himself (like breaking the egg) because 1. his position and 2. his egg tooth is so flipping tiny it's so hard to see and it hasn't even fell off yet!
But anyway, hes doing real good and I plan on taking some more pictures soon!
Hey again! I noticed the day after I claimed his plug fell off, that it actually didn't.. I was giving him a few more days until I ask what to do or if he just needs a few more days.
Today he'll be a week old, will it just need a few more days until it falls off or do I need to do something? Also will it be okay if he goes swimming with it still on? He hasn't gone swimming yet.
Also not sure if his vent looks right or not, I'm sure it's fine but I'm a worrisome person! I'll post a picture when I get home.
Hey again! I noticed the day after I claimed his plug fell off, that it actually didn't.. I was giving him a few more days until I ask what to do or if he just needs a few more days.
Today he'll be a week old, will it just need a few more days until it falls off or do I need to do something? Also will it be okay if he goes swimming with it still on? He hasn't gone swimming yet.
Also not sure if his vent looks right or not, I'm sure it's fine but I'm a worrisome person! I'll post a picture when I get home.
do post a photo, that would help us to get an idea!
Hey! Sorry for not responding before, haven't been on here in a while.
Lovebug is doing well, the plug seems to have shrunk and feels a bit loose so I'm thinking it'll fall off soon.

I need some help with Newt though. So I gave her a small rat bed from when I had rats and turns out she got some of the stuffing out of it and it was everywhere, in her water, food, everywhere!
She was struggling to swallow something and I'm thinking it was the stuffing.. it's been around 2-3 days now and shes not pooping and eating as much and I'm really worried. She acts normal and fine but just doesn't poop or eat as much.
We don't have many bird vets around here, maybe just one bird vet, I'm not sure. I dunno what to do and need some advice!
Hey! Sorry for not responding before, haven't been on here in a while.
Lovebug is doing well, the plug seems to have shrunk and feels a bit loose so I'm thinking it'll fall off soon.

I need some help with Newt though. So I gave her a small rat bed from when I had rats and turns out she got some of the stuffing out of it and it was everywhere, in her water, food, everywhere!
She was struggling to swallow something and I'm thinking it was the stuffing.. it's been around 2-3 days now and shes not pooping and eating as much and I'm really worried. She acts normal and fine but just doesn't poop or eat as much.
We don't have many bird vets around here, maybe just one bird vet, I'm not sure. I dunno what to do and need some advice!
She also seems to be molting so it's hard to tell if she swallowed the stuffing or a feather!
Do you have grit to give ?
I had a duckling get a blanket apart and swallow it
The vet couldn’t get it out so they had to cut it at the mouth and let the duck swallow it
@Miss Lydia advised me to try grit
I put it out and he ate a bunch really fast resulting in him throwing up but after throwing up twice he was fine and back to normal
The vet wasn’t sure he would live as the thread was yarn like and thicker and he got a lot down his throat as it couldn’t be pulled back up
I never did find it in any poo but this was when he was 2-3 weeks old and he is now 9 months
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