HELP! Very Injured Duck . . . opinions needed.

Yes! Same eggs.

So -- we had to put Quackers down on the 20th of March. So, it's been 45 days since his passing. My husband didn't think there was any way given his injury that he could have done anything for five days before his passing -- so he calculated 50 days. But, based on some of your input and that she might be fertile for 3 weeks after his passing (assuming he could have mated her, which is questionable) . . . so, I decided to give the eggs one more week just in case.

Thank you all! You saved three little lives! I noticed the first crack this morning. All three eggs are cracked now with movement inside. Now I'm trying not to interfere and still keep an eye on things. I'm praying that all three make it and all is well. Mama was nibbling at one of the eggs and I saw some blood, but I can see baby beak and it's breathing. . . so . . .

Cross your fingers!
Yes! Same eggs.

So -- we had to put Quackers down on the 20th of March. So, it's been 45 days since his passing. My husband didn't think there was any way given his injury that he could have done anything for five days before his passing -- so he calculated 50 days. But, based on some of your input and that she might be fertile for 3 weeks after his passing (assuming he could have mated her, which is questionable) . . . so, I decided to give the eggs one more week just in case.

Thank you all! You saved three little lives! I noticed the first crack this morning. All three eggs are cracked now with movement inside. Now I'm trying not to interfere and still keep an eye on things. I'm praying that all three make it and all is well. Mama was nibbling at one of the eggs and I saw some blood, but I can see baby beak and it's breathing. . . so . . .

Cross your fingers!
Keep us updated!!
As of tonight -- one passed. One isn't doing well. And one is mostly still in the shell.

This whole duck thing . . .

Feeling heartbroken and still a little hopeful. :(
UPDATE (5//6): Well, after all three babies failed to survive and my husband helped nurse the wounds, I made one call "just in case". There were baby female Cayuga's at Pioneer Feed. She "had ordered them on a whim on Monday and they had just gotten there this morning." Oh and, "she hadn't advertised this group for some reason yet, so they should be there when I got there, but come quick, because even unadvertised they'll go fast." One friend had canceled coming over, another friend checked in and asked if I needed to put our get together on hold, and John hadn't left for Portland just yet but was headed out the door, or I wouldn't have been able to leave (we have one car). So, we loaded up with me putting my shirt on in the van.

We bought three, robust, sweet baby ducklings for Mama duck (for cheaper than just about anywhere else). Hardy, Cheap-ie, and Grace. Mama does not seem more than a little interested yet which is a bit disappointing, but I'm going to try again. Two of them when grown will go to Craig's house to help with snail's and slugs after Craig traps the racoon. The third well keep and add to our flock (which now includes one mama, two four-ish week old (one of which is male), and three three-day-olds).

PS -- I called every feed store after just to see if they had any Cayuga's after we got the three "just to be sure" and none of them do or will until "end of May" or "end of June."

---- The duck drama needs to end. I'm stopping now. One more prayer Mama takes these three under her wing today.

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