Help! Someone Accused me of selling old eggs

Jul 3, 2018
Just getting the farm up and going, and a customer of mine accused me of selling old chicken and duck eggs. She said that she has bought eggs from me multiple times that have gone bad (although I'm just hearing about this) and that I need to start dating them because I can't keep track of how old my eggs are. I offered her a full refund, but never heard back. Have plenty of other repeat customers with no complaints, and I personally know that the eggs she had were only about 2 months old (<1 month old when I gave them to her, she had them for about a month).

Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem, what they did about it, and if there is anything I can do differently. I collect daily, keep my eggs in the fridge once collected, and scrub them before giving them to the customer if they are dirty. I inspect each one for holes/cracks. I don't want this person to slander my name before I even get my farm really up and going.
Your eggs keep better on the counter. I think it’s odd that she had them for a month before she ate them. I don’t know if two months is a long time or not I usually do my drop off’s every 1 to 2 weeks so my ex never stick around for more than two weeks. If you put them in the fridge Maybe try washing them first because I know moisture takes off the protective barrier on the outside and when they are taken out of the fridge the condensation makes the shell moist which removes that barrier. I don’t know that that would even make a difference at all just a thought. Really if you’ve had no other complaints I think it might just be her. Or if she’s bought from you more than once maybe she got mixed up on which card and it was
Unfortunately when it comes to selling anything at all whether it be eggs, soap, paintings or anything there’s going to be someone who’s going to complain about something unfortunately. If you’ve got enough dedicated loyal customers I think you should be just fine. And less she’s got a big name in that area or something
Maybe start putting a date on there or at least a range. And depending on how old they are maybe you could write on the carton best if consumed by whatever date. If you’ve got plenty of repeat customers and never had an issue I personally think it might be the lady who is buying them and not your eggs. Plus that’s weird that she didn’t eat them for an entire month. There’s a carton in my house it doesn’t even last a week or even close
I only wash them if it’s been muddy and they step on them. I’ve had many customers tell me don’t worry about washing them because they also know they keep longer on washed. Like moonshiner I do keep the older eggs for myself. Just because I like to sell the freshest I have and because I like eggs that are a little bit older it makes them Easier to peel when they’re hard boiled. Is there anyway you could sell your eggs on a weekly or to week basis? I’ve never looked up how long an egg is good for for. They don’t last long at my house
I know store eggs can be a month old before they're sold, but they're also scanned for abnormalities and washed. Not trying to be rude at all, it just sounds weird to sell month old farm eggs. Everyone that I've talked to wants farm eggs mostly because they're fresher, and partly because they have an idea they taste different than store eggs.
Actually reading up about it there is debate on whether they stay better inside or outside fridge. Since you keep them inside the fridge before you sell them do your customers put them in their refrigerator? If she doesn’t put them in her refrigerator that could be one reason. Or you could do a float test on your eggs prior to selling them if you’re worried
I know store eggs can be a month old before they're sold, but they're also scanned for abnormalities and washed. Not trying to be rude at all, it just sounds weird to sell month old farm eggs. Everyone that I've talked to wants farm eggs mostly because they're fresher, and partly because they have an idea they taste different than store eggs.
That’s why I sell mine laid that week. Two weeks at most. Not that I think they’ve gone bad after that but I just like to sell them as fresh as possible. I had one lady complained that they were too fresh and she couldn’t peel them. LOL. She laughed when she complained so now she just gets an extra dozen And let them sit for a week to hard boil those

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