What is this smell!!??! Ahhhh!!!


8 Years
Sep 10, 2015
I just got a message from my aunt saying that one of my eggs smelled like bleach. She sent me a pic of the shell and it looks lightly brown on the inside. I have never ran into this before so naturally I am kind of freaking out as I do sell my eggs.
I use no chemicals around my flock, coop/run and nest boxes are cleaned meticulously all with natural essentials oils. Fed kalambach non gmo feed, they are enclosed in an extra large run and provided with buckets of grass, bugs, seeds, berries, squash etc. daily. Does this kind of thing just happen sometimes?
In my 8 years of keeping chickens I have never ran into this. I’ve attached a picture of the shell my aunt sent me and I also had her do the float test with the other eggs she has of mine and all the eggs sank to the bottom telling me they are good. Any ideas on what this could be??


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The float test only shows the size of the air pocket. As eggs age the pocket grows.

It cannot show if there is a meat spot, bacteria or infection present in the egg.

As to the smell I am in the dark on that one.
The float test only shows the size of the air pocket. As eggs age the pocket grows.

It cannot show if there is a meat spot, bacteria or infection present in the egg.

As to the smell I am in the dark on that one.
Oh wow. I had no idea. Thank you for sharing that so I know this for the future 😊
Yes! I actually do supplement them with vitamins and electrolytes. Perhaps I need to cut back on the vitamins??
No need for either...unless they don't have a good feed available, which will have all the vitamins they need EL shouldn't be given all the time, just dosed when temps are extreme, hot or cold.
No need for either...unless they don't have a good feed available, which will have all the vitamins they need EL shouldn't be given all the time, just dosed when temps are extreme, hot or cold.
Good to know, I will save the vitamins/electrolytes for those specific occasions. I read on the kalambach feed bag that indeed the feed does contain several different vitamins. Great info thank you for sharing!

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