duck egg

  1. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    Can a broody chicken hatch a duck egg while hatching baby chicks?

    Borla (pom-pom/tuft in Spanish) the Silkie has just become broody and is sitting on 3 bantam eggs. I have a few eggs I didn't refrigerate that were layed yesterday afternoon. I'm going to put the chicken eggs under her, but one of the other eggs is a duck egg. Should I put it under her? I know...
  2. B

    First Egg!!

    Hello friends! We got our first egg this morning!!! I’m wondering if anyone might know which duck breed it came from? We have Magpie, Blue Swedish, Black Swedish, and Cayuga. I thought maybe Cayuga, but I’m not sure if the color is right
  3. xKaitlin

    Broody duck has eggs of all different stages!!

    So my Aylesbury duck has been sitting on her eggs for almost 28 days now, and I only realised 15 days in that she had been laying the whole time. After candling the eggs I think I’ve got two out of six that are ready to pip but the rest still look quite behind as their air cell is quite small...
  4. NewJourney

    Is this duck egg fertilized?

    So, I have 5 female ducks. I was getting 5 eggs daily. I had dropped down to 4 eggs, then 3 eggs daily. I thought it was because my rooster is being rude and chasing them around sometimes, whether to be mean or to mate, I don't know. But I just put chicken eggs into our new incubator (for the...
  5. Ronnie_

    Egg Question

    Wooooohooo! We got our very first egg today!!!! I found this evening in the duck house (not there this morning)! I think it’s one of my khaki campbells as I think my cayugas bloom would be way darker. Any wayyy The top of the egg seems to have scratches in the bloom (laid right in entryway to...
  6. D

    Twin Ducks - 2 ducklings in one egg

    Hi guys, 5th time hatching duck eggs, but first time we’ve ever had two in one egg so a bit unsure how to proceed. Currently on day 20 and a good bit of movement when I candle. I’ll attach some pictures below, but does anyone have any advice on what to do if they make it to day 28? Most of my...
  7. Launchpad

    Broody duck not laying

    I've found a few threads similar but not on the specific issue. Roz, a 1 year old female Silver Appleyard, has recently become broody. She hangs out with/ nests with 2 cayuga. One male one female. Never had any issues. Both females share a nest for egg laying and have for months. Recently, Roz...
  8. J

    I incubated my eggs in 96.5 by mistake

    Hi everyone I I incubated my eggs at 96.5 by mistake because the temperature is stable and I trust my incubator I never checked it my mistake, humidity 49 to 55 no more no less I candle them on day 26 and they are all alive and moving a lot with the air sack big and the embryo covers almost all...
  9. basiljowii

    Internal Pip?

    Does anyone know if this is an internal pip? The duckling has been quite lively and moving his egg around the incubator and then we saw this, is it an internal pip or just where he’s been pushing against it? p.s the hole in the egg is so it doesn’t suffocate
  10. Skipper Carnes

    Some HELP is needed! Baby duck hatching 3 days early!

    I have a baby duck named Finn being hatched under a broody hen and he was growing abnormally fast through incubation compared to other incubating duck egg. He is peeping inside the egg and chewing the membrane. He is hatching 3 days early. Is hatching this early dangerous? The other duck egg...
  11. basiljowii

    What is this?

    We've just candled this egg for the first time, and saw these two dark lines. not sure what they are. but the embryo is still moving inside. the egg is day 19 if that helps.
  12. N

    Is this a blood ring?

    Hello all and thanks for this amazing forum! I’ve been reading many threads in here and also incubating some duck eggs. This is my first time incubating, and I’m quite worried about this egg. The first few days, we turned the eggs horizontally by hand, twice a day. Everything was going great...
  13. B

    Duck egg candelling help!

    First time here! And first time incubating duck eggs! So I got this little gig about 11 days into incubation, and I’ve had him a week. Past three days been very minimal movement if any and today there’s an air bubble floating around the egg separate to the air sack :( still quite strong veining...
  14. T

    Help ! 1st Time Incubating Duck Eggs!

    Hello everyone, This is our first time incubating duck eggs. I have five that are due to hatch in 7 days (?) Today I went down to check on them and one ( dated 2/10) now has a small “ star” crack. I’m not sure if this egg is now bad or hatching early. Can anyone please give me some advice on...
  15. alluzivesducks


    Ducky had started to externally pip 24+ hrs ago and made some holes! When i could finally see his beak through the hole i noticed the membrane still covering most of it. I decided to peel back more of the shell and use a wet Q Tip to damp the membrane and move it so the duckling could breathe...
  16. alluzivesducks

    Duck Egg Internal Pip?

    So it’s day 23 for this ducky and the air cell has increased a LOT in the past few days. I marked it on day 21 and you can definitely see the difference now! I just checked on ducky to see what he’s up to, is this an internal pip on day 23? I can not hear chirping, the egg has been rocking and...
  17. alluzivesducks

    Duck Names

    Today I have started incubating 6 duck eggs again :) Most likely, all 6 won't hatch but hopefully a few of them will be successful this time! So, I'd like to know what I could name my duckies and would love to know what everyone else has called their ducks! <3 Me and my partner currently like...
  18. alluzivesducks

    No pip? Day 27 Duck Egg Incubation

    Hi I have been reading through some past posts, I am just a little bit worried as my duck egg has no internally pipped (as i’m aware of) and it’s coming to the end of Day 27 nearly Day 28. Apparently my duck egg is a Cherry Valley Duck Egg. The duck appears quite small, but I might just be...
  19. D

    Duckling Eggs incubating- fertile or not?

    Hi! This is my 5th year of incubating duckling eggs but the earliest I’ve done it (usually do it in April/May, but had to do it early this year because I’m travelling). I’m worried that the eggs I have are not fertile as when I candle them I don’t see development. I’m on day 5/6 today (they were...
  20. Launchpad

    Duck egg questions

    So my Pekin female, Daphne, has been laying eggs consistently for a couple of weeks now. Only once did I fail to find an egg... until yesterday and today. I didn't turn the coop completely inside out but I searched all her nesting spots. Its possible im missing it but I've found them every...
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