egg age

  1. B

    Oyster shell question

    My girls are 17 weeks. RIR, Barred Rocks, speckled Sussex, and Orpingtons. I have them on starter feed still. No one has laid yet. Is it ok to put oyster shells out for them at this age? I know they say when they are laying but I assume they need them when they are getting ready to lay?
  2. E

    Age of egg laying?

    I am wondering about the age/signs of egg laying first time chicken owner here. They are 23 weeks old, we live in Michigan though. Will they lay this fall yet??
  3. Sgalli

    Silkie rooster too big for serama hen?!?!

    Ok so I have a small serama hen that just started laying. I have one silkie rooster that is very nice to her. I was hoping to they could match up! Is it possible? Or will the silkie rooster be too big for her? He tried once but she sounded panicked. Anyone have any experience they could share...
  4. BuffyOrpha

    Free: 3 hens need a new home (NYC)

    I love my hens, but I have a pain in the behind neighbor, am tired of her complaining that they make too much noise, meanwhile she has 2 dogs that bark all the time. If someone in the new york city area would like 3 beautiful hens... 2 of them are one year old and 1 of them is 6 yrs old... they...
  5. Catbutts

    When my Brahma going to lay egg?

    Hello. I got two 4 months old light brahma on July 6, and it's been a while now but they didn't show any sign of egg laying. (They are around 33 weeks old now) Ps. The chicken that in the picture is not the same chicken
  6. mrswright091716

    First time Egg!!!

    Hello Friends, So my chicken Pigeon Toady (silkie hen) laid her first egg this morning!!! I am so proud of her. This is her bery first egg. Posted a pic below of her egg. Also she’s only about 6months old, so I was surprised. How does it look? Should I rinse it off ? Is it ok to eat? We had...
  7. Catbutts

    When do my girls going to lay an egg? (Picture attached)

    I bought 2 Hybrids hen 16 days ago. The shop owner said that they are going to lay an eggs around 2 days after I bought but it's been 2 weeks and 2 days! So I just wondering, when are they going to lay an egg. 🐓🐔
  8. blackandtan

    Assisted hatching help! day 22

    Hello all, Hoping someone can advise me on my next steps here: I’ve got six eggs left in the incubator, two each marans, ameraucana and chantecler, and I can’t really see through the shells very well. I can see that the air cells are drawn down, I stopped turning day 18, temp 37-37.5, rh 65-70...
  9. Store Eggs vs. Farm Eggs

    Store Eggs vs. Farm Eggs

    This article was originally a poster I made for 4H, but then I decided to make it into an article so others can enjoy it. It took a long time, but I finally finished, so here it is. I added in more information, and kept most of the old ideas too. In this article I will be referring to eggs from...
  10. DragonParadigm

    Overeager Egger.

    I got all my FRESH eggs in a basket. And now one is about to hatch. Holy hen. Was not prepared for this. I bought a whole set of 14 fresh & fertile eggs off of a “neighbor” and never thought to candle them. I just stuck them all pretty-like in my Brinsea maxi ii advance and all of a sudden I...
  11. Bettyboop7499

    Devastation on the Farm...

    I had told a story here on BYC about God showing me where Iizzys (my favorite Chick! She was a Silver Duckwing OEGB) nest was, TRUE STORY-I knew she was laying but it wasn't in the nest or coop or any of the known spots they hung out. One day as I searched I asked God to help me, (some may think...
  12. Bettyboop7499

    No more eggs...& a couple of duck questions?

    Hello BYCM, I have four Plymouth Barred Rock hens approximately 10 months old, the days are short now and they seem to have all stopped laying. I believe I have a egg eating problem as well, my numbers were all over the place, 4,3,2,1,3,0...then one every other nothing. If they did...
  13. Bettyboop7499

    OMGoodness..WHAT IS THIS!

    I washed of some August eggs which are also the first of my eggs and I noticed this one was floating...I believe it is important to educate myself as much as possible so instead of just tossing I opened to see what the "egg" looked like. I noticed I could hear or feel jiggling when I shook the...
  14. S

    Emu Egg Age

    Does the age of an emu egg matter? If so, is there any way to see the age of an emu egg without destroying it? Thanks.
  15. T

    Help! Someone Accused me of selling old eggs

    Just getting the farm up and going, and a customer of mine accused me of selling old chicken and duck eggs. She said that she has bought eggs from me multiple times that have gone bad (although I'm just hearing about this) and that I need to start dating them because I can't keep track of how...
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