Help is my duckling shrink wrapped

Pictures of how much he has stuck on him are helpful. I'd try running him under warm water and using the towel and scrub it off, then blow dry him afterwards. Be very careful not to pull out too many of his feathers. If it's really stuck on there you may need to leave it and try and get it off in a few days.


  • 20240413_145259.jpg
    169.4 KB · Views: 9
Not sure if thats a great picture of it all it looks like he may have some bald spots from it. He also was still attached to umbilical cord and egg but it was bloody so didnt remove it until it dried but it managed to get it a few hours later but it had managed to wrap round his leg he us putting weight through it but holds it up alot and shakes it.
Got the cord off but still holding the leg and shaking it every now and again but is walking on it im just not sure at all
You could give the duckling some nutridrench. Hopefully it will start walking fine, probably just a temporary issue. but if it continues to have leg issues I would give it liquid vitamin b
Thankyou so much ive managed to get johnsons poultry tonic do you know if thats any good?


  • 20240415_072243.jpg
    298.7 KB · Views: 4
Thankyou so much ive managed to get johnsons poultry tonic do you know if thats any good?
I haven’t used that, but I see it has some good vitamins and propylene glycol for energy. I think it should be good.

Amazon has nutridrench if you can’t get it locally.

How is your duckling now?
I haven’t used that, but I see it has some good vitamins and propylene glycol for energy. I think it should be good.

Amazon has nutridrench if you can’t get it locally.

How is your duckling now?
Thankyou so much. I will order some its so hard trying to find anything that ducks can have here even the vet dosnt have anything. Seems alot better but still shaking the leg every now and again but is running around now hopefully thats a good thing. Thankyou so much :hugs
Thankyou so much. I will order some its so hard trying to find anything that ducks can have here even the vet dosnt have anything. Seems alot better but still shaking the leg every now and again but is running around now hopefully thats a good thing. Thankyou so much :hugs
Sounds like it’s doing great! When it stands still, does it seem to be putting weight evenly on both legs?

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