Fuzzy's Farm

I took this from an old thread by silkiechicken... Just so you know who gets the credit for the pics...

0 hrs Note that with a bight enough light you can see though brown and green eggs easily. Shell thickness and egg size will impact image quality, so note these are bantam eggs.

This is a great example of a porous egg, not ideal for hatching.

28hrs Not much to see though the egg at this point. If you were to open the egg and look at it under a dissection microscope, you'd see that the head/neural fold has formed, and up to 4 pairs of somites. (Somites are mesodermal cells which migrate and give rise to tissues such as muscle, bone, and cartilage. Note the number on the egg, it serves as tracking and to know which side is "up" as I am hand turning 3x a day.

52 hrs If you look closely, you can see the start of the blood island in the middle of the egg. The heart is actively beating by this time and has started to turn; the heart starts out as a tube during development.

May be easier to see after photoshop, it's that darker ring on top of the yolk shadow

76 hrs At this point, limb buds have not only formed but are enlarging and the eye is beginning to become pigmented.

Some photo editing and you can really see the veins!


100 hrs The limbs are now starting to look like limbs and the embryo starts to look like what a common person would say is an embryo.

Enhanced to see veins

Day5 On this day, the beak has just become viable and the chick's limb buds are no longer buds and instead will have identifiable digits! The black dot is the eye.

Edited to enhance veins

A day 3 or so quitter

Profile view and you can see the veins in my finger too.

Day6 It gets harder to take clear vein pics, as there is enough vascularization that it gets a bit washed out.

Enhanced image.

Embryo Movement Clip

Day 7 If you were to open them up, you'd see little specks where future feathers would emerge!

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

Day 11


Day 12

Day 13 If you opened them up, you'd see claws forming!

Day 14 It's so dark there is pretty much nothing really to see! Just a bit of space left

Day 15


Day 16 You can see toes in the second one!

Toes video

Day 17

Day 18 Lock down!!!! Since there is plenty of space in the bator, I made little paper cups to put each egg in. Hopefully this will catch the majority of the hatch junk left over from popping out so clean up is a bit easier.
I wanted to share new pics, but i forgot the camera in the coop, and i wasn't gonna ride back! Hopefully no one pooped on it................... Then i got home to find the temps in my bator spiked, and DH had just turned on the AC and left.

I opened it and did a quick candle, it had been at least 4 hours that way and no little changes were gonna bring down the temps quickly, and i wanted to see if any were at least developing and get those temps down ASAP. Looks like all of them except the 3 refrigerated ones were, though i don't know if they are still alive NOW. Only one of them will be cocoa's baby though.
If Skeeter can get kicked off the nest for several hours and both babies still hatch... well one half hatched then died... I think a temp spike isn't going to kill them to quick.. After all a chickens body temp is 41 celcius... which converts to 105...according to UofA...
He still screams like a girl when i catch him, but most every evening i try to hold him. Once he relaxes, he buries his face on my chest, and actually leans into me. Or lays his neck around my sholder, and hangs on......

I still can't make out what he is, but he is a friendly little bugger.

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