Chickens and hogs co-mingling...

mean drunks, haha,,,
Lol , sounds strange but true- My dad decide to make some home brew ( btw he was a mean drunk too) LOL in a big old crock we had. He made it out of rice. It started stinking so bad he decided it wasn't any good. So he told me to dump it in with the slop to the hogs. I went down to the pen and dumped it ( about 5 gallons) in their trough. I went back about 30 or 40 minutes later . I noticed they were kind of wobbly. When I stood by the old board fence they would charge at me, hit the fence really hard and fall over backwards. They kept at this until they finally just gave up and laid there in the mud - drunk and exhausted. If my dad had known that stuff was so potent, he would have NEVER have given it to the hogs!! He would have kept it for himself!!

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Yep pigs will eat a chicken. I have a very old book that was produced by the editor of the farm journal in about 1915 and it gives a description of how to make a blinder so to speak for a pig so it cannot see well enough to snag a chicken. I would guess largely if a chicken was hanging out in a smaller pen. I would guess on pasture the pig would have a hard time sneaking up on a chicken.

Lots of gory stories from the old timers about feeding spent farm animals to pigs for protein. Probably Ok philisophically but a pretty grim picture when you think about it. The stories were that farmers that did feed these animals to their pigs had to be very cautious in the pen since the pigs soon viewed the farmer as a tasty treat as well.

I grew up on a small farm and our pigs ate our chickens. The coop was near the pig pen and the chickens were free range, able to wander in and out of the pig pen.

The pigs would scatter some of their feed around and then lie very still, waiting for the chickens to come to the scraps, and then as soon as one came within range, Wham!

Eventually all we had left were the bantams and EEs; they seemed to have better survival skills than the big sex links and learned to avoid the pigs. Most of 'em. Most of the time.
Thanks everyone.

I guess it depends on the pigs/hogs. My pot bellied pig will chase them, but he plays chase with everything. or used to. He is getting too fat now. LOL

I was asking at 4-H this week and those that had hogs/pigs and chickens said that they never had a problem. One even has a hen that insists on nesting IN the pigs stall and she has to try to get the egg before it gets broken. And its a grown hog...

Maybe mine will be gentle. I dont know yet. I guess we shall find out.

I know pigs are VERY VERY smart. so I dont doubt they would 'bait' something. Thats very interesting and cool. (in a macrabe (sp) sort of way. )
Well , They won't always eat them. My chickens growing up ran in and out of the hog barn and some of the wilder ones even roosted in the rafters of the hog barn. I guess it just depends on the hog and the circumstances. As far as people go and other animals- YOu just have to be aware of the possibility of them attacking - Most of the time they won't- It's just possible !! And when they do stuff like that ( eating chickens, baby pigs, and snakes) it's one of the most scary disturbing things you will every see!!
I guess it really depends on the breed and nature of the hogs. I grew up with both and never experienced these problems. Ours where probably fed to much and where to lazy to catch a chicken. LOL
If you are Canadian, I suspect you are about to experience regs that will keep swine and fowl separated, due to the already-mentioned crucible of influenza mutation. Better to separate on your own than be forced or to have your animals seized/culled if an inspector arrives, especially if anyone complains. Oh my...
I passed this by a friend of mine who is on a team that monitors the world wide spread of H5N1. I asked him if it would be a good idea.. He said #@$!!! NO.... My friend has a way with words.

Swine and chickens cohabitating if why we all get to enjoy the flu every year.
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