My chickens won't eat grains ! need help..


Feb 15, 2023
This is the strangest thing, my chickens are hungry but wont eat grains ! They've always like a specific brand but no won't eat it, so I tried (now 5) different brands, from crumbles to pellets to mash and no one will eat. Yet they act starving so I give them their usual amount of mealy worms (small handful each) and afternoon treat of green leafy veggies (that the always had when having the 90% diet of grains. But they only eat that so fast (like they are starving) and almost choke. They pick at my arms and legs looking for food when I walk in the coup and run. I don't know what else to do or why this strange behavior. I made fermented but they only peck little bit of it when they used to eat it all. They are not sick as they are getting aggressive for food and fight with each other when I come in (who will get the veggies first) but I am not increasing it due to I want them to finally eat the layer feed. I don't know if I should just go out and give more veggies but how will they ever eat grains ? This is so strange to me. Anyone have an idea what is wrong???
So when you say "grains" what exactly are you talking about? Commercial layer feed??? If not, if you're talking about horse food like rolled oats, that makes sense to me. If commercial feed, try to adding some water to make it sort of a mash (doesnt have to get fermented first,) if they don't eat that, then yea it's weird. Maybe you have a bad bag of feed (moldy ?)
It sounds to me like your chickens think there is something wrong with the feed (which from your description seems to be not grains but various sorts of processed feed), something they can detect and you can't or haven't, and they would rather go hungry than eat it.

You could offer them some food from your larder: I'd try bread soaked in milk, tinned sardines, wet dog or cat food, a banana, and see if they will eat any or all of them. If so, they are hungry and there is a problem with the feed you've bought.
So when you say "grains" what exactly are you talking about? Commercial layer feed??? If not, if you're talking about horse food like rolled oats, that makes sense to me. If commercial feed, try to adding some water to make it sort of a mash (doesnt have to get fermented first,) if they don't eat that, then yea it's weird. Maybe you have a bad bag of feed (moldy ?)
Talking about commercial layer feed. Not moldy, I keep buying new ones to try, all different brands and textures, crumbles, pelleted, mash. Yes they are eating a bit more if I ferment it but they always ate it both ways. I do think its so weird.
It sounds to me like your chickens think there is something wrong with the feed (which from your description seems to be not grains but various sorts of processed feed), something they can detect and you can't or haven't, and they would rather go hungry than eat it.

You could offer them some food from your larder: I'd try bread soaked in milk, tinned sardines, wet dog or cat food, a banana, and see if they will eat any or all of them. If so, they are hungry and there is a problem with the feed you've bought.
Yes they have been eating green veggies, ie. lettus spinach, kale, ...... Just not their layer feed. Tried many different brands and textures. Eating some if i ferment but not all of it like they used too (they leave half) This is so weird.
Stop everything but the chicken feed, they will eat it.

Good question.
I did try that for a couple of days but they kept attacking me for food when I came in the run, my hands, my clothes were pecked at looking for food. They are calling at the door loud, so I finally gave the little bit of usual things they eat, a bit of meal worms and leafy veggies (I don't give more than 10% of the original diet like everyone else. They knock and just at the coup door for me to answer, all Day .....I just dont think I can go more than too days.... They eat a bit of fermented now, just not the usual amount. I hope this passes.....
Chickens are consumate professionals of manipulation and guilt. Basically they are sociopaths with eating disorders.
If they think there is the remotest chance of a meal worm, tasty green or similar treat. They would happily flay you alive to get one more bit, if only they had thumbs.

Having said that, they may be craving some animal based aminos. Nothing wrong with getting some meat and bone meal to add to their ferment before feeding. Or some meat and dairy scraps, or even the odd can of tuna or sardines.

Since ive been giving mine some meat and bone meal in their soaked crumble, they are more content I reckon.
Thinking outside the box;
Worms of some sort 🤷‍♀️- what do their poops look like ? An icky photo would, possibly, help see any internal parasites.
More information 🤷‍♀️ - How long have they been like this ?
More information 🤷‍♀️- When you say they won’t eat their grain, are they eating the rest of the food - corn, pellets etc ?
Some weird illness 🤷‍♀️ - Are they drinking and are you replacing the water everyday with fresh ?
Stress 🤷‍♀️ - How much space do they have ?
Hate to hear of anything like this, of course they may be hanging on for the goodies - they can be precious little s*ds 😂
One other question ? Are they laying ?
Chickens are consumate professionals of manipulation and guilt. Basically they are sociopaths with eating disorders.
If they think there is the remotest chance of a meal worm, tasty green or similar treat. They would happily flay you alive to get one more bit, if only they had thumbs.

Having said that, they may be craving some animal based aminos. Nothing wrong with getting some meat and bone meal to add to their ferment before feeding. Or some meat and dairy scraps, or even the odd can of tuna or sardines.

Since ive been giving mine some meat and bone meal in their soaked crumble, they are more content I reckon.
All of this is so true! My 3 Pekin bantams will work their way up the yard to stand under the kitchen window squawking until I delivered their bread. The will also make an unholy raquet the moment they see the dogs or hear the water run / toilet flush / shower etc. I now let the dogs out the front first thing in the morning so they don't think I'm up. I gave up buying feed with layer pellets in it as it always got left for the rats and doves. They're still laying.

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