
11 Years
Feb 27, 2013
San Jose, Ca
Pullet or Rooster? This is my first Blue Laced Red Wyandotte that I have ever had. Do the Wyandottes tend to feather slowly in both pullets and cockerels? This one is 4 weeks old and does not have very many feathers or much of a comb or waddle. If anyone has a photo that I can compare mine to around this age that would be great!
2018-10-27 12.43.26-2.jpg
2018-10-27 12.38.30-2.jpg
My Wyandottes were super tricky for me. I had one I was SURE was a male all the way up to about 11 weeks-- much larger comb than her sisters, big white patches on her wings, large feets, and went from being the smallest chick to the largest of the three! But then, her feather pattern evened out, her sisters caught up in development, and she developed nice rounded feathers, and now she is a pretty little hen that lays an egg almost every day!
So, hold off for a little while yet.
Here she/he is at 5 weeks. Feathers are slowly coming in. Definitely an awkward stage, but so sweet! Any guesses as to pullet or rooster? If anyone has any pictures of their wyandottes around 5 weeks to post that would be greatly appreciated! Just wondering if most wyandotte roosters have more red around this time?

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