Black oil sunflower seed/Feeding question...

Black Oil Sunflower Seed is only 15 - 17 present protein.

Sunflower Seed with Hulls -
Crude Protien------16.8
Digestible Protien-13.9
Nitrogen - Free----18.8
Mineral Matter-----3.1

I buy the Purina scratch grains and jazz it up with extra oats,BOSS,and wild bird seed and a little more cracked corn. Sometimes I buy some freeze dried mealworms and mix those in too. My girls absolutly love it !!!
I sprout BOSS for my hens and they can't get enough of it. Sprouting raises the protein to 25% and cuts some of the omega-6 out. I started sprouting a wheat-BOSS mix for winter feeding supplement, but because the egg quality and production has been so good, I am going to continue year round. It takes maybe 10 minutes a day but the benefits are great.
Black Oil Sunflower Seed is only 15 - 17 present protein.

Sunflower Seed with Hulls -
Crude Protien------16.8
Digestible Protien-13.9
Nitrogen - Free----18.8
Mineral Matter-----3.1


Yeah but we are comparing to scratch grains, or cracked corn, which is really low at 9-12% protein....feeding BOSS at 16% with 16% layer feed doesn't dilute their protein intake like corn/scratch does.
I've been feeding my chickens already-hulled RAW sunflower seeds as a treat, not every day but maybe every third day... Is it really okay to feed them black oil sunflower seeds with the hull still on it??!! I would think the hull would not digest; that maybe it was too sharp and pointy... Thanks for the clarification!!
Black Oil Sunflower Seed is only 15 - 17 present protein.

Sunflower Seed with Hulls -
Crude Protein------16.8
Digestible Protein-13.9
Nitrogen - Free----18.8
Mineral Matter-----3.1


Yeah but we are comparing to scratch grains, or cracked corn, which is really low at 9-12% protein....feeding BOSS at 16% with 16% layer feed doesn't dilute their protein intake like corn/scratch does.

But some people believe that BOSS is a high protein seed.
I don't know if they see the protein amount for Sunflower Seed Meal that is at around 21% - 41% protein and assume that BOSS is the same or what..

Thanks for asking this, I was wondering too.
We put put black sunflower seeds in our bird feeders, so I might have to let the chickens do some scratching under the feeders! Last year I was pulling sunflower seedlings like they were weeds. I think the chickens would have more fun taking care of it.
Sprouted flax seed is much higher in nutrients than un-sprouted too, allot higher. I feed both BOSS and Flax seed to my chickens.
BlackBart - do you sprout the flax seed? I tried adding it to my mix and it's pretty gooey and gross. I have a lot of it so maybe I should try again. Do your chickens like it?

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