Barred Rocks!!!!!!!!! Why are they so mean?

Mine peck to get your attention . Because they want you to pet them . I have 13 ... And 2 hands hahaha I just can't pet them all at once! They are loviess tho! They greet everyone who comes here and let everyone pet them ! My kids carry them around like footballs haha they love it
Our BR are the sweetest birds. But our RIR is a toughie. But the BR always run to meet us eagerly in the morning.
My Barred Rocks are the sweetest I have to me, the sit on my lap to be petted and fall asleep in my arms
...but will bully the rest of the flock relentlessly!
Out of our 4 Barred Rocks, 2 are their own "Mean Girls Club". They boss everyone around, literally push the other gals out of their way, peck to get others out of the way when it's feeding time. Of the 2 mean girls, 1 (Scrambles) thinks she belongs in the house. Doesn't help that our 3 yr old constantly sneaks her in and hides her. And if you leave Scrambles outside she sits at the back door pecking and staring at you. Gives me the creeps some days.
My barred rock is a sweetheart. She follows me around and comes running when I call her. She has begun to squat for me. She is sort of like a dog. I can lure her with a treat. Just adore her. She is definitely FAST. She gets food I sometimes try to give to other hens. And she snatched a cabbage moth in mid flight! She started out at the bottom of the pecking order but is on top. No fights with the others. She never pecks me.
I have three BR pullets. They are all very nice. However, I do have three Delaware pullets that are definitely aggressive. Kind of a bummer. All of my older girls are nice enough. They don't want you to pet them but they are not aggressive. This batch of chicks has a few really sweet girls in it, but not the Delawares

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