Barred Rocks!!!!!!!!! Why are they so mean?

Please don't generalize such a nice breed! They are my 2nd favorite & I have 2, a hen & a roo. They were my first "pullets." I never liked roosters, never wanted a rooster, had no use for a rooster. but Theodore just grew on me & although he doesnt cuddle or let me too close, he's beautiful & doesn't have a mean chicken bone in his body.
I agree with whomever said that you got a raw deal on yours. sorry about you luck, but i hope you give BRs another chance!
Eeek, I kind of have to agree..

Our BR rooster got really mean with our kids and actually killed two of our hens. Now that he's gone, one of our two BR hens is the boss and she is SO mean to the other hens. The other day when I was tossing scraps I actually saw her grab the other BR hen by the back of the hen and toss her to the side. The poor girl made an awful sound and this also gave explanation to the missing feathers on her head.

My other hens often run from her and she sometimes hangs alone from the flock.
It must be hit or miss. My MM Rocks (white and barred) are very sweet, though they ARE the most inquisitive and boldest among all my birds.

My MM RIRs however are twitchy. They've pecked all the tail feathers from my Brahma, and they sometimes freak out when I go to collect eggs and they won't stop making noise. I don't really trust them--but this last part may be their red hair!
Throughout the years my BR girls have been the sweetest. They're known for their docile, friendly nature, and they've been true to that in my flocks over the years. It's one of my favorite breeds because of how friendly they are. The majority of mine have been hatchery birds and they've been as sweet as can be.
They love to be handled, and being a "friendly" breed they will usually be outgoing, like a friendly puppy, and like to inspect things and will usually be the first ones to greet you and seek your attention. They're one of my favorites breeds because of their sweet, friendly nature.
I would never generalize like that. It is just the 8 girls we have just seem to be mean. We have 20 other chicks and none of them act like that.
My BRs are from ideal. I don't have others to compare too, these are my first flock but so far so good. I've gotten pecked once or twice but I don't think it was aggression so much as trying things out and they haven't really done it at all since they started laying. They all squat for me, come running when they see us and come when theyre called if they don't see us. I can pick them up and handle them with ease and have to shoo them off the patio table when we are sitting at it. I'm getting an egg a day from each one. The only time I saw them be mean is when they snuck up to my dozing mini schnauzer and pecked his stumpy little tail. It was more like they had a sense of humor than a mean streak
. I'm pretty happy with them.
My barred rock is very mean!!! I'm keeping an eye on my other hen. The barred rock made him bleed!!! :(

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