6 month old leghorn pullet violently attacking me worse than rooster

Because I’m a softie.. I had to cull a malformed chick last week and I cried all day. Is it not weird this pullet used to sit in my lap and follow me around and now all of the sudden she hates me? Maybe I did something wrong? I noticed the cockerels housed with her and her friends have been pestering her all day trying to get her to mate. She just went from the sweetest chicken I’ve ever met, to the craziest. Should I get rid of a rooster?

Cull doesn't mean kill. It simply means remove from the breeding flock. That may be rehoming, removing from the flock completely, killing, or simply not breeding these birds. This is not something you caused. In this case it's genetic
Because I’m a softie

Having empathy is a good, worthy thing.
But when one party is being violent, you have to choose which side to have empathy for.
The victim or the perpetrator?

You cannot rehome these chickens or their bloodline. A hen attacking this viciously is an extreme, unusual thing. There are no excuses good enough.

Although I will say, the precursor to this violence seems to be that you allowed her to peck you when it wasn't painful, and that she's had to defend herself from too much rooster dominance. Yet, other hens can experience the same and not get violent towards people.

One of the hardest parts of owning any animal is taking responsibility for them even unto death.
It's painful and hard, but if you don't make that choice, it will be made for you, sooner or later and in a less tolerable way.
Please do not, not, not rehome a viciously violent hen.

Kids could wind up her next victim.

I agree:) . But I was defining what culling is. I still believe that bird should be culled (in the killing sense) or at the very least, physically removed from the flock and placed in a different enclosure

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