6 month old leghorn pullet violently attacking me worse than rooster

This chicken has no innate fear of people and is a potential danger to anyone who walks in to the coop. She's shown you her agility, her unpredictability, her perceived dominance of you, and her potential to inflict serious injury.

Just because her hormones have cooled now doesn't mean they won't fluctuate again depending on the season and her laying cycle. Will you always be on guard for the next flying ninja attack? You said she's never been aggressive to other people just you, but there was a first time for that too and now it's your job to act in the best interest of your human flock, not just this one murderous hen.

The WHY of it is not possible for us to accurately guess and doesn't actually matter. Hormone issue, hen feathered rooster, imprinting, wrong outfit on the wrong day, who knows. I agree with the person who said if you can't euthanize her yourself, ask a vet to help you. I'm sorry if it will make you sad. Some responsibilities are unavoidably sad by nature but still must be faced anyway.
Is it their “teenage hormones?”
"If you get a chicken to live for thirteen years . . .

She didn't rip your earing out, she pecked at "shiny moving thing."

They ain't human - they're basically dinosaurs. They'll get along without us. I'm sure her eggs are tasty and she might be as well.

If you are looking for a decent relationship with another species, try a toy poodle.
She HATES the cockerels In the flock and often attacks them as-well. She’s only 6 months old and started laying a week ago so I doubt she’s broody. I’m wondering if for some reason today she’s viewing me as a rooster? She also likes being held But when I put her down she tries to chase me
sorry to but in but I would just put her down if it keeps up.

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