
In the Brooder
Jun 8, 2023
I need help! My loving hen is changing. I have a silver Wyandotte hen that I have had since she was little. I had purchased chicken a month prior to her and three others (one other Wyandotte, 2 buffs). One of my Buffs was sweet on me and one of my Wyn. Started them off in a tote, dog cage, basement room. The two has always been sweet on me.

Then I transferred them outside to be with the other chickens and ducks. They were great. Had them separated for a few weeks to a month and them slowly released them with the others. Transition went great.

The buff started separating herself from me. I guess she feels like she’s a big girl now that she’s laying eggs and hanging with the older girls. But my Wyn. She got closer to me.

She jump in my back as I did the chores in the pen. Fixed my hair, straightened my shirt, and just hung with me until I was done.

I have had her since May. When I let her she was cool. Now she crouches so I believe she’s getting ready to pop some eggs soon. When I pet her a couple of days ago, she crouched and then when I walked away, she attacked me. So I grabbed her and let her know “hey! We are buds” as I pet her. Then today, a couple of days after, she did the same thing again.

Why? Is this what’s it’s going to be like from now on? Is our relationship diminished now? Why is she doing this? Hormones? Is this normal? Breaks my heart.
Slap her off next time she tries that.
You were too coddling to her while raising her so now she sees you, not only as a fellow chicken but as a lesser chicken that she's going to put in you place.
Don't let her jump you and if she does peck her back with 4 fingers, or snack her off.
I see. So basically your saying… is what we had is gone. We can’t be buddies anymore.
I see. So basically your saying… is what we had is gone. We can’t be buddies anymore.
You can be buddies, just set boundaries.
You are not below her in the pecking order because you are not in the pecking order.
In the chicken world, high ranking birds stand up for themselves and make sure the others know it, low ranking schmooze up to them with nice treatment.
All four of my chickens went through something similar. They decided they were feral shortly after transitioning outside 😅

They've been getting extra mouthy now that they're close to laying. Per the advice from these forums, we don't tolerate it (and peck back). Hoping they chill out once their hormones settle, and we can once again enjoy cuddles and pets. If not, that's okay too. It was hard on me at first. It took some time to realize that I needed to adjust my expectations. Now we have special moments in different ways (training with treats, having a chat, etc.) ❤️

So from my limited experience, I'd say it's totally normal!
You can be buddies, just set boundaries.
You are not below her in the pecking order because you are not in the pecking order.
In the chicken world, high ranking birds stand up for themselves and make sure the others know it, low ranking schmooze up to them with nice treatment.
You know I pet the others and they don’t treat me that way. But I see what you mean. And because she is showing that aggression towards me, I need to leave her be. I grabbed her the first time. This time I had too much in my hands. I had to kinda do that to my rooster Sammy because he was trying to be dominate over me. I held him down for a minute or two and then pet him and let him go. He’s stepped up to me a couple of times and I did the same. Now he doesn’t. I’m gonna have to plant her down or carry her around to show her.
Sad, that our relationship is different now.
You know I pet the others and they don’t treat me that way. But I see what you mean. And because she is showing that aggression towards me, I need to leave her be. I grabbed her the first time. This time I had too much in my hands. I had to kinda do that to my rooster Sammy because he was trying to be dominate over me. I held him down for a minute or two and then pet him and let him go. He’s stepped up to me a couple of times and I did the same. Now he doesn’t. I’m gonna have to plant her down or carry her around to show her.
Sad, that our relationship is different now.
It was a one sided relationship, she just viewed you as a fellow chicken she could con food from. "It will be your honor to give me food"
Just ignore her for a few weeks, no need to carry, that's stressful for her, makes it hard to breathe.
Just let her settle down and work on retraining.
It was a one sided relationship, she just viewed you as a fellow chicken she could con food from. "It will be your honor to give me food"
Just ignore her for a few weeks, no need to carry, that's stressful for her, makes it hard to breathe.
Just let her settle down and work on retraining.
I’ll try that. Ty

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