5 day old turkey poults


In the Brooder
Jul 4, 2022
Do I need to add chick grit to Purina Turkey Starter for 5 day old turkey poults? I asked for game starter and was given Poultry Feed and I don't believe there's enough protein my poults need
I've dug deeply into this subject cause I have 6 newly hatched turkey poults. You definitely need to buy a Turkey Starter, or Wild Game Starter. Either way, the keyword is "starter". The brand is up to you. Poults need high amounts of protein, 28% - 30%, to be exact. Turkey's are large birds with specific requirements because of how quickly they grow, how much muscle they have, and the amount of weight they need to gain in different stages of development. This amount of protein is needed 0-8 weeks of life.
Do I need to add chick grit to Purina Turkey Starter for 5 day old turkey poults? I asked for game starter and was given Poultry Feed and I don't believe there's enough protein my poults need
No. No need to offer grit if you are feeding a starter type feed.

Starter type feeds are usually made of a crumble not a pellet.
Even then if you are only feeding a pelleted type food to older birds you do not need to offer grit.
I offer appropriate size grit to my poults from day one it is correct that if you are only feeding starter crumble, or processed feeds they do not need grit. But they tend to try to eat anything and everything they can get their beaks on and swallow like bedding etc. and if you give them any kind of treat, or access to grass, they will need grit to process it and not get impacted. Thats why I offer grit from day one better safe than sorry. Just don't offer free choice as they can gorge themselves on that also. I just sprinkle a little on top of feed now and then for first few weeks before offering free choice.
I feed a 28% protein game bird starter crumble for first 12 weeks and then feed a 24% game bird grower pellet all free choice. This is for my Heritage varieties of turkeys that also free range in large pasture. I would feed differently if they were Broad Breasted varieties.

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