
  1. Fallenone05

    Duckling + duck feed

    Hello! I've been trying to find what I should be feeding ducklings and adult ducks. Ducklings, the general recommendation is non medicated chick starter. Ducks, all flock or something similar. I use this brand https://bigvfeeds.com/product/big-v-allway-kernels/ For my chicks and adult...
  2. Hillbillenigma

    Brand Loyal ~ Small Flock?

    I’m a recent “empty nester” - :D Now that life is moving a bit slower for my Wife and I, I‘ve once again been lured back into the Chicken universe. As I plan and build my Coop and dream of my chick order for later this summer, I’ve also been researching feed. I’m planning on 15 - 20 chickens...
  3. Everose

    Who here isn't getting eggs?

    My chickens and ducks quit laying eggs early summer of 2022, but they were under stress, molting, and on a cheap feed. So I didn't think anything of it. For months now they've all been in new spacious pens, on a layer diet, they're all young and they are all in good health. I've had no predator...
  4. CarlaCo

    Bulk seed

    We are looking into mixing our own feed using this fella’s formula on a YouTube video: Premium whole oats 30lb Whole corn 20lbs. Black oil sunflower seeds 20lb Split Peas 10lbs Flax seed 5lbs Add DE as well maybe a cup? So we see that TS is where we can source the first three ingredients...
  5. R

    Food getting kicked out

    I have 1 week old baby chicks, Sapphire assorted. And I have 3 that like to sit in the feed and scratch/kick it all out. They've run through a whole bag of feed (only 5lbs) because it's all in the bedding now. I have the typical feeder, circular with 8 holes. I've tried raising it, but they just...
  6. M

    Sprouts for chickens

    Hello! I have been feeding my chickens sprouts (experimented at first with bird seed and a chicken sprout seed mix from Amazon), and I just bought a big bag of barley, oats, rye and alfalfa from a local seed store... I am excited to start feeding my chickens sprouts more regularly from this...
  7. PrincessTee

    Dual puropose chicken feed

    Hello there, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this if not please guide me to the correct thread. We have buff oprington chickens that we planned to use for dual purpose, eggs and meat we don't separate our birds. We Have about 8 hens and a rooster. I heard the rooster shouldn't...
  8. D

    How much Niacin does Purina duck feed have?

    How much Niacin does Purina duck feed have?
  9. D

    How many times do you feed your ducks everyday and how much?

    How many times do you feed your ducks everyday and how much?
  10. kanami

    what seasonings/extras to add to feed to make it more nutritious?

    hello my feathered friends! currently i am trying to figure out if there is any way to make my current chicken feed more nutritious, i feel like i’m not doing enough for my girlypops… here is a pic of the current feed i am giving them! i usually buy from tractor supply from the next town over...
  11. T

    Main Differences between heritage breeds and hybrids in average feed density needs

    LAYER HYBRIDS (industrial white leghorns, red sex links) Protein 17,50% Fats 4% Fiber 3,20% Crude Ash 13,50% Methionine 0,48% Lysine 0,90% Calcium 3,78% Phosphorus 0,70% MEAT HYBRID BIRDS (CX, red broilers) Protein 20% Fats 4,10% Fiber 3,55% Crude Ash 6% Methionine 0,56% Lysine 1,18% Calcium...
  12. Browniethechicken

    Best nutritional and economic all flock feed?

    I am currently using Purina dumor chick starter feed. I have seven week old pullets and 21 week old pullets. I am looking for suggestions for a good quality food that doesn’t break the bank. This could be the chick starter or an all flock variety. I am also looking at something that I can...
  13. JohnsterSpacePoultrygram

    What's a good protein % to start chicks and ducklings on?

    Hello. I'm wondering what is a good protein percentage to start day-old chicks and ducklings on? I know they have different protein requirements, but would like to know what is a good percentage for each of them. My family has bought a 22% protein starter/grower for the ducklings and a 19%...
  14. M

    Ostrich/Emu feed for chickens???

    There's a shortage of chicken feed in my area and some one has 6, 50# bags of Ostrich feed for $120. I am considering it since I'm almost out of feed for my laying hens. Will this hurt them??? They do free range a lil bit (2 flocks at separate times) but it's to cut down on flies and...
  15. Browniethechicken

    Medicated Feed for chicks?

    How long do you feed medicated feed to baby chicks? I am getting same number of chicks again, 6 chicks. I have options of 5 pound bag and 25 pound bag? My last flock I raised on a 40 lb medicated crumble and they did well and stayed healthy. Not sure if it made a difference…
  16. madsnbot

    Can laying hens eat starter/grower feed?

    Hey y’all. So my chickens are on purina starter/grower feed and they just started laying eggs. The eggs have really hard shells and seem very healthy. I also have some chicks that are around 6-7 weeks old. I don’t wanna have to buy two different feeds for them so would it be okay to continue...
  17. R

    Will my flock get the right nutrition?

    This is the feed I am hoping to give my new girls once they start laying. I wanted to do non-gmo, soy free. Are there any nutrition gaps? I’ll also be supplementing with sea shells. Thanks for any info!
  18. A

    Feeding snails

    Hello! I know a large patch of forest where there, for some reason, are tons of garden snails. I could easily fill a half a bucket every other day to feed my chickens if I wanted to. However, I do not regularly deworm my chickens and I don't not want to risk them getting parasites. So I was...
  19. D

    Somebody please tell me the reason she died

    My baby quail got wet during the night and in the morning was very cold, couldn't stand and barely opened her eyes, but at least she was breathing... Before i go on, a day ago she was just as weak when i woke up, but not cold, her crop was pretty much empty and i somehow saved her after watching...
  20. PrincessTee

    New raising buff opringtons

    My family and I have ordered half a dozen buff orpingtons hoping to raise them for dual purpose. I have done hours of research but can't seem to find an answer to my question regarding feed. We would like our orpingtons to be layers but eventually use them at our dinner table. Are there any...
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