

Aug 29, 2022
Johnson City, NY (Town of Maine, NY)
We are looking into mixing our own feed using this fella’s formula on a YouTube video:

Premium whole oats 30lb

Whole corn 20lbs.

Black oil sunflower seeds 20lb

Split Peas 10lbs

Flax seed 5lbs

Add DE as well maybe a cup?

So we see that TS is where we can source the first three ingredients, but I’m wondering gbwhere Incan buy bulk split peas and bulk flax seeds.
Does anyone else mix their own feed, if so what fro you use, what amounts and where do you find your ingredients? Appreciate any help. 😁
We are looking into mixing our own feed using this fella’s formula on a YouTube video:

Premium whole oats 30lb

Whole corn 20lbs.

Black oil sunflower seeds 20lb

Split Peas 10lbs

Flax seed 5lbs

Add DE as well maybe a cup?

So we see that TS is where we can source the first three ingredients, but I’m wondering gbwhere Incan buy bulk split peas and bulk flax seeds.
Does anyone else mix their own feed, if so what fro you use, what amounts and where do you find your ingredients? Appreciate any help. 😁
No premix added for vital minerals/vitamins/amino acids??

How much can you use up before it starts going stale?
I looked into mixing my own feed years ago. I'm in a rural area (as are many BYC'ers), but it seemed virtually impossible logistically---to source x pounds of a vitamin/mineral mix, and all the other things. You had to meet someone in a nearby area to pick up one ingredient, etc. Very difficult and not too feasible. And it would cost much more.
Please be very careful when attempting to mix your own feed, 98% of the 'recipes' out there are formulated by people who either don't know anything about proper nutrition or checking for safety. Most are very unhealthy and will harm the the health of your birds long term.
Any good recipe will list the nutritional facts that can be verified on a public source. :]
Whose recipe are you wanting to try?
It is possible to mix your own feed but it's very expensive and more ingredients than just the ones on your recipe.
No premix added for vital minerals/vitamins/amino acids??

How much can you use up before it starts going stale?
Those are good questions- this guy didn’t add anything else. Those ingredients I assume naturally have vitamins and minerals etc. We already ferment and we are beginning to try sprouts, which both will also beef up their nutrition. They can only free-range for a few hours a day, at least till we figure out how to keep them out of the neighbors yard and off our porches. Letting them out a few hours before sunset, they tend to get in less trouble.
As far as going bad, I am assuming if stored well, they should last a few months, right? I may also split the homemade bulk mix with my son’s flock so it will go faster. That would be a dozen bird’s altogether.
We were actually talking about doing this while they were even chicks. If we mix our own, we will know what’s in it, but more import, it will be cheaper.
It will not be cheaper, on average, a properly balanced homemade feed will cost $3 to $8 a pound.
If someone says their recipe is cheaper and better than store feed, you can be sure that their recipe isn't a recipe you want.
Poultry feed is one one the most heavily researched agricultural areas on the planet, what you buy at the feed store is formulated to provide all the necessary nutrition, most effectively and cheaply.
A homemade feed can meet nutritional needs but it'll will be quite expensive.

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