
  1. A

    Diarrhea, no other symptoms, causes?

    Hi everyone, I have 6 backyard hens that are about 9 months old and have been laying for about 3 months already. They're laying really reliably, eat well, none look lethargic or sick, seem to be keeping their weight, laying reliably. I bought them all as day old from Murray and they are all...
  2. chinjon

    Hen with runny droppings for a few days

    Hello, I have a Plymouth Black Rock who has been passing diarrhea-like droppings the past few days. She also has been drinking water a lot more in those few days, not sure if that is a symptom of the diarrhea or what is causing it. I note at the bottom that I saw other photos and read other...
  3. R

    Diagel for chickens?

    One of my chickens has had explosive, completely liquid diarrhea for weeks, and I took her to the vet about 3 weeks ago. After weeks of waiting for blood/fecal results, they didn't turn up anything unusual. Probiotics and changing out her feed have done nothing. The vet left a message...
  4. F


    Okay ever since I got Shelby she’s been an unhealthy chicken, always wants to be left alone and is very flighty. I brought her inside today because of the frostbite on her comb and she had one solid poop and is now shooting out diarrhea! At this point I’m just not sure what to do with her. For...
  5. Goosebaby

    Open mouth breathing and stomach issues

    My gander Roxby is having issues again. He’s been off and on ill since March with some sort of recurrent neurological issue. As of August I seemed to have finally got a handle on whatever it was by treating him and the rest of the flock for coccidia and a gram positive bacteria “the vet wasn’t...
  6. thecarmiearmy

    Molting during a rainstorm

    Hello all, I live on the west coast, where we are getting hit with heavy rainfall and floods. My hen has been molting (growing her feathers back, currently) and lethargic. Yes, I figure she's tired from her body being in overdrive to grow those feathers back. We've been giving the chickens...
  7. J

    Mystery Illness, Potentially Crop Related?

    Hello fellow chicken keepers! Looking for insight regarding health concerns in our flock. Here's the scoop (I'll try to be brief): I noticed one of our hens had been having diarrhea and was losing weight. In addition, her crop was distended. I took her to the vet and he treated her for an...
  8. G

    Hen with pale comb and diarrhea

    I noticed this afternoon one of my wyandotte hens was having very watery stool and her comb and wattles are quite pale. In addition, she is acting rather lethargic...much slower than usual and laying down on the ground in the run area outside. She is around 7 months old and has been my most...
  9. Diveks

    Coccidocis? or did the feed do this?

    My chicks had diarrhea and abnormally smelly poo and one of them seems really tired, so i decide to treat the chicks for cocci (they dont sell corid here but it has amprolium in it). after a week the chick was getting better and no more diarrhea but the chick didn't seem to be fully well. i had...
  10. Selka

    Is this blood in poop?

    I found unusual poop, is it blood? I do not know which chicken's it was, none of them has symptoms. Two had inflammed eye in the past week, were separated. Also, one marans has this unsolid beige poop for the past 1-2 weeks, is it okay? Also no symptoms... Thanks for advice.
  11. Qualien

    Possibly sick youngster

    I have a female racing homer about 5 months old. We released her with our flock for their first 10 mile training release on Tuesday the 27th. She did not return with the flock, but instead came in 2 hours later, huffing and puffing. We decided to keep her in, and give her rest for 3 days. 2 days...
  12. M

    Sickly turkey

    I have two Black Spanish turkeys, both are almost three months old (give or take a few days), and one of them is behaving very differently than usual. She’s moving slowly, her tail is drooping, her poop is green and white and it’s watery too. She isn’t trying to get away from me when I go to...
  13. Allineedismorechickens

    Soft, broken eggshell

    My cream leg bar/leghorn, Baby, has not been herself lately. She’s been less interested in scratch, isolates herself more than usual and stopped laying about 5 weeks ago. She normally lays massive blue eggs, often with a double yolk. She went into the nesting box today for about an hour, but...
  14. F

    Diarrhea. Help please

    Female coturnix quail has diarrhea. The substance is clear in color with occasional white patches, and is very runny. Been collecting samples to show the vet. In the spare time, what could I do to help her? Should I separate her from the flock? Her diet: Gamebird Showbird Starter Grower from...
  15. Shmegel

    Quail Diarrhea 5 Days- Help Please (poop pics included)

    What can I do about my male coturnix’s diarrhea? It’s been going on for about five days now. I’m treating with Corid in case it’s coccidiosis. He lives alone, and he’s not acting very weird except not crowing and having no solid poop- what comes out is mostly whitish or yellowish. Here are some...
  16. E

    Help!! Improving lethargy but diarrhea in hen

    Hi all. I’m new here. I’ve had my three girls for about 2.5 years with very little issues. But four days ago one of my hens was showing signs of being sick. She was mostly laying down and didn’t want to walk. When she did she was limping. Stopped laying eggs. Anyways it was after hours so I just...
  17. E

    Chronic Diarrhea in Hen

    I have a 3 year old Easter egger who has always had runny stool. As a chick she was healthy and clean, but she had runny stool. She’s still acting fine and laying fine, but her feathers around her vent are caked with poo and I can’t get it out. She’s been to the vet and did a round of...
  18. R

    Still loose stool after trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole 5days treatment

    Hi! Follow up question on my 3-month old chick who previously had bloody diarrhea. I treated her on trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole for 5days and her stool has no more blood but still on-off watery/form stool.. what should i do? I currently had already stopped the meds as it says for 5days. Do i...
  19. R

    Bloody diarrhea on 3month old pullet

    Please help... i found yesterday my 3month old pullet having bloody diarrhea, less eating/drinking/activeness. Started yesterday mixing trimethoprim+sulfamethoxazole in her waterer. We don't have Corid available in our country, also tried in our place to find amprolium but there is none. Today i...
  20. M

    SEVERE Diarrhea

    4 week old Austrolorp. Growing at normal rate. Acting energetic and normal. Eating and drinking fine. With that said, she's had diarrhea for two weeks almost. I've treated with corid. Didnt help at all. Any other suggestions?
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