

    Week old silkie chicks with diarrhea and occasional blood in stool

    I purchased 6 silkie chicks from someone two days ago. I noticed one is smaller than the others and has a watery eye. I have also noticed a little blood in some of the stool and now many have diarrhea. I thought maybe the heat lamp was too hot but they are in a large area and stay under the lamp...
  2. IamRainey

    Occasional diarrhea

    I have three 28-week old hens. They seem healthy and happy but every week or so I get a few splats of really liquid diarrhea on the poop board. No clue who's doing it or if they all take a turn at it. Nothing much changes about their diet from day to day except for what they may find when...
  3. J

    Sick Chicken...Seeking Advice!

    I recently acquired 3 lovely 12-15 week old hens to add to my backyard flock, and while in quarantine 1 of them has become ill. When they first arrived I gave them some water with apple cider vinegar to help combat the stress of travel, but within a couple of days "sick chick's" condition became...
  4. J

    Soft eggs and Diarrhea

    hello all - I am new to Chicken raising and hope someone can help. We have 3 Rhode Island Red hybrids. They have a great life and get to free range quite a bit. We feed them commercial feed and treats of scratch, cabbage 1x per week, fruit, and some - but very few - table scraps. We have had a...
  5. OG Anomaly

    Sick Chicken w Pics, I've no idea what's wrong

    Hi, This is my first year having chickens. We have 8 white leghorns, all females, under a year old and they started laying early summer, this year. One is definitely not acting normal and I want to try and find out what's wrong with her / what I can do to help. We can't go to the vet. I'll try...
  6. LucyGoosey1

    Is normal turkey poo watery sometimes?

    Hello, Our pet turkey was seen by a vet for diarrhea. She had an infection of 2 microorganisms, E. Coli and a vulgaris organism. Also her liver enzymes were high. So the vet prescribed an antibiotic and medicine for her liver. Her poo is looking more normal now. Frequently it holds its...
  7. ChickenMorals

    green diarrhea

    Went out to my flock today to realize that they're having very liquidy diarrhea. It is green, black, and white, and there is a ton of it. Checked their bums: their feathers are all sticky and caked with it! It's dried, so I think it's been going on for a while. Please keep in mind these aren't...
  8. dodochick92


    I have a 7-8 year old red sex link battery hen named dodo. She has had no vent feathers for about six months where she originally did. Now she has stopped laying, she has bad diarrhea, she is not eating and drinking, she is lethargic, her rump is soft, red and dry. If someone could please help...
  9. H

    My chicken is ill

    Hi, my family are new chicken owners. We have 2 white Sussex hens. Recently we came back from holiday and found one of the hens incredibly ill. Whilst we were away we left her with relatives (I regret this greatly now!) And I think they told us that the hens coop would leak and get wet during...
  10. H

    Young Muscovy duck with diarrhea

    I was given two young Muscovy ducks (male and female) by a neighbor whom I'm farm sitting for. The male was being severely picked on by an older male duck and possibly a rooster that they were housed with. All his tail feathers had been pulled out and his bottom was picked at till it bled. I...
  11. Aspen Anderson

    Hen's feces doesn't look digested, full of grass - Advice?

    Our three oldest hens - all almost 5 months old - have had diarrhea for a while now. I've looked up some suggestions, and I am currently working on the following: Changing their water source (as the current one is dripping, attracting flies and getting their food wet) Deworming them (I haven't...
  12. pac1712

    HELP. Sick hen

    My hen, roughly 3 or so years old is acting lethargic. Earlier today she started standing around, sometimes with her eyes closed, her face is rather pale. The same symptoms were seen a few days ago but seemed to clear up. There are some signs of diarrhea near the vent although she has more...
  13. mega

    panting, hot beak, diarrhea?

    my 2 week old duck has these symptoms??
  14. SoCha

    Green Diarrhea! Someone please help!

    Hello, I posted about diarrhea many time before (3) but I still can't seem to get it straight, it's been 3 months and she still has it, the other chicken we have that lives with her does not seem to have diarrhea though. Her diarrhea is green and watery, but there are some hard normal (but...
  15. ZeeAviatrix

    Question about pullet's diarrhea

    I have an 11 week old Golden-laced Wyandotte, I've named Emma, that has had loose stools since Day 1. Other than that, she is fine - she's eating and drinking well, socializing, and seems completely content. Her vent has stayed clean, too. I don't need to post a picture of what her poop looks...
  16. M

    Injured and sick chick

    Hi, I have a chick approximately 8 weeks old. A little over a week ago, she escaped the coop and our dog tried to kill her. We got her away from the dog, but not without a significant injury under her wing, near where her leg meets her body. We have treated that wound, it is scabbed over now...
  17. S

    I can't figure out what's wrong!

    So for a couple of days my 16 week old sussex chicks have been acting strange and stressed. Symptoms include: >wheezing/sneezing(very wet) >shaking head >diarrhea (sometimes the food doesnt even look digested) >drooping wings >sleeping balled up together >at night they are very loud as if...
  18. craftymelissa

    depressed but still voracious forager

    I still can't figure out what's wrong with AdaIda our 4 year old red sex link. She was sick with anemia from mites about 3 weeks ago and seemed recovered from it, but for the last week and 1/2 hasn't been herself. We were treating her for crop issues, but now I am not sure. She goes...
  19. JPHens

    Listless on and off for a month

    My awesome, strong, top-of-the-flock Australorp, Matilda, has been listless on and off for a month and the last few days she seems worse. About a month ago she was not eating much and very sedate for two days. I vet I know came by and said she feels/looks ok. She took a poop sample (it looked ok...
  20. racingandsavingmama

    My Guinea's may have diarrhea

    Help! I just got these guys about 2 days ago and I noticed some of them have a hard poop cap over their butts. Is there something I can do to help them? I don't want to lose any. Thanks so much!
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