

Free Ranging
Nov 10, 2019
Northern California
My gander Roxby is having issues again.

He’s been off and on ill since March with some sort of recurrent neurological issue.

As of August I seemed to have finally got a handle on whatever it was by treating him and the rest of the flock for coccidia and a gram positive bacteria “the vet wasn’t helpful with identifying what it was or returning my calls.”

All was well until horomones kicked in mid September and Roxby began obsessing on one of the other girls who only wanted to be around his brother Helios, so a love triangle situation ensued which lead to separating the group into different cages and blocking their view of each other. This only slightly helped, Roxby still paced and pined excessively for two weeks and wore him self out until he came down with some sort of intestinal issue at the beginning of October.

He had an impaction for a day and was regurgitating, I thought I was going to lose him. I treated him for coccidia and fed him fluids until he started eating in his own after three days. His digestion was slow but gradually it improved.

His symptoms relapsed this last week, he hasn’t become as gravely ill as before, he doesn’t have an impaction, but similar all around symptoms.

Difficulty swallowing
Possible pain while swallowing
Jerking and twisting the neck when swallowing
Poor appetite
Runny brown droppings that sometimes smell like cooked cauliflower

He does NOT have
Runny nose
Runny eyes
Voice changes
Impacted sinuses “that I can tell”

As of the last 3 days he now has a slight to moderate case of open mouthed breathing, labored breathing, with what sounds like sand moving in his gut and his face gets itchy.

His intestinal issues were worse at the beginning of the week but are gradually lessening, but he’s developed the gaping which is concerning.

What’s odd is that his symptoms are transient. As his gastrointestinal issues have began to improve they’ve come and gone, and the breathing issues with it.

For example in the morning he seems to have more trouble, difficulty swallowing, lack of appetite, brown diarrhea, accompanied by labored breathing, gaping, and itching his face.

Sometimes it will disappear in the afternoon, his droppings will become more solid and he’ll eat just fine, only for symptoms to reappear mildly in the evening or not at all until the next day.
If his intestinal issues are worse, so is his breathing and facial scratching and vise versa.

Unfortunatly I have no way to get him to a vet, so I’m on my own again.
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Mild example of the gaping

Mild difficulty swallowing with slight gaping

Example of the droppings 71648F2B-6FF6-432D-9673-ABCE3DEC52C1.jpeg AC353AE8-9847-454D-9AC7-9720B480775E.jpeg
I have no idea what could be going on. Have you looked in his mouth under his tongue if something may be stuck?
I hope @Isaac 0 or @Wyorp Rock or @casportpony will see our tags.
I haven’t seen anything in his mouth so far, the only good thing I’ve noticed is that he still has enough fight to try to resist me doing that. Otherwise I can tell he feels awful.
Under his tongue? the reason I am asking is many years ago someone's goose was having trouble eating and drinking and swallowing and finally they found a stick stuck under this goose's tongue it was lodged in under there. I know that probably doesn't have anything to do with his poop unless he isn't able to eat. But then it would most likely be neon green. Have you ever given him probiotics?
Under his tongue? the reason I am asking is many years ago someone's goose was having trouble eating and drinking and swallowing and finally they found a stick stuck under this goose's tongue it was lodged in under there. I know that probably doesn't have anything to do with his poop unless he isn't able to eat. But then it would most likely be neon green. Have you ever given him probiotics?
He’s been on probiotics all year, I switched to giving buttermilk now and then around a month ago at the suggestion from someone here, it made his stools solid for the first time in months, until he got sick again recently.
From what I can tell there isn’t anything I can see in his mouth I checked with the flashlight to be sure but I might check again.

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