
  1. Twilighttwist

    16 week old hen sick again-is it yeast? Or something else?

    Our 16 week old Swedish Flower hen is sick again. She is started to fluff up and act tired, has had watery diarrhea with some spots of blood. No sign of crop issues yet. Still eating and drinking. Best picture I could get of poop: 2 months ago she stopped eating and drinking and developed a...
  2. Jasfarm

    Diarrhea in Baby Chick 2-ish weeks old - vaccinated.

    Hello! I have a baby chick who has diarrhea consistently. He or she is on the same food as the 6 other chicks and they are fine. This chick eats, plays, drinks, and is otherwise normal. Have not noticed blood or any of the cocci signs. I have not had cocci before so I’m always watching them...
  3. Artchickenlover21

    Super lethargic, weird poop

    A few days ago I noticed my buff orpington was acting a little slower than usual. She has been getting worse and it looks like she's having weird bathroom troubles. She strains a lot and only a little comes out and it looks "snaky". I don't believe she is eggbound unless the egg might have...
  4. Artchickenlover21

    Bad diarrhea, poopy butt, flecks of blood, hiding in nest box

    I have a hen who has been getting lots of issues lately. First, a few weeks ago, it seemed she had sour crop, but then it went away by itself before I had a chance to treat it. Now suddenly she's unhealthy again. She's been hiding in a nest box all day and this morning it looked like she was...
  5. L

    Sick hens/ panting and liquid poop

    Hello, I have 2 sick hens that aren't seeming to get better. Hen #1 is a 10 month old barred plymouth rock and hen #2 is a 10 month old wellsummer. Hen #1 had diarrhea for about a week and a half and hasn't been acting like her usual self. Hen #2 just started acting off the past couple of...
  6. LizFl

    Help please, chicken acting different.

    Hi, my 14 week old Golden Comet has been acting “weird” in a corner of the coop. I took her out and put her on a chair right next to me and she wouldn’t try to fly away or nothing 😪 her crop looks full and her poop looked like watery yellow diarrhea. Any ideas what could it be? I separated her...
  7. KCward

    Chickens have Diarrhea

    I’m a bit of a newbie chicken owner, I’ve had chickens for about 3 years now but I haven’t ran into any problems until now. My Brahma hens and Roo have diarrhea. They are about 11 months old and act healthy other wise. They are eating and drinking fine. I’m in Texas and the weather has been...
  8. AggieKat

    Lethargic, puffed up hen in molt

    Hey everyone, My chooks are going through their molt a little later than usual fall because Texas weather is crazy. Sirius started her molt and now full into it, is acting sick. It started this last weekend with fully watery poop that had bright green spots in it. I changed all their food...
  9. N

    Chronic diarrhea and leg weakness

    I have a two year old hen that has become somewhat weak and has had diarrhea for over a month. I noticed in late summer that she would sometimes lose her balance slightly, not really fall but she would rest on her hocks at times. She still walks ok, albeit somewhat slowly, but then I realized...
  10. S

    Sick hens!

    One of my ~2 year old Leghorns has diarrhea and stopped laying about 5 days ago, and she used to lay everyday. I did find a large soft shelled egg in the coop yesterday, though, that I assume is hers. I also noticed my ~4 month old Silkie has what looks to be bloody poop. I found 2 spots...
  11. Akachicklil

    Hen is Injured or Sick. Please help.

    Hello Everyone, Ive gone over potential differentials and I’ve come down to one; bumblefoot. Main concern is change in activity, eating pattern, and poop change. Im not sure if anything else is going on or if this is just a result of bumble foot. Below I will try my best to provide a past and...
  12. Mistress-with-birbs

    Sick, vomiting hen

    Hi there. One of my hens, who is probably about 2yo, is sick. Two months ago I noticed her acting thrifty and unwell. When I went to drench her with some Nutri-drench she puked on me. I had never seen that before. Water, maybe slightly brown at times continued to seep from her beak at times. She...
  13. C

    Sick chicken, issue unknown

    Hello, I just recently started caring for two chickens. Have had them for about 1.5 months. Just yesterday one of the chickens started looking and acting sick, but not sure what is going on. Her comb is very pale, she is barely eating or drinking. Mainly just stays in one spot. I did notice her...
  14. O

    Broody hen diarrhoea

    Hi! Hoping someone could help me. I have a young cochin who has just gone broody. She's made herself a wee nest in the coop, though she's not actually sitting on any eggs as we don't have a rooster. My plan was to give her a week and if she's still broody, then buy her some fertilised eggs to...
  15. Z

    Strange illness in flock

    I posted a couple of weeks back about some of my flock being sick. I treated them with Corid and I did a round of dewormer for good measure. The sickest ones have mostly recovered and I hadn’t noticed any other sick chickens until the other day when I posted about my chicken with the pale comb...
  16. Z

    HELP! My chickens are sick and I don't know what to do! *PICS*

    Hey guys, I have a flock of 16 birds, some of them are 3yo and others are just turning 1yo. I've hand raised them since babies all myself. I've never had any medical issues with them up until now and I don't know what is going on. They haven't had a change in environment or food. I've never...
  17. B

    Button Quail Chick Diarrhea

    Hi all, I have a clutch of eight 4-day old button quail chicks. They are in a brooder and have their mom with them. Today I was cleaning their brooder and noticed 2 types of concerning droppings: 1) dark poops 2) diarrhea I'm very worried about any disease spreading with these babies, as they...
  18. Lauren51

    Newbie from NW IN introduction! Chick with diarrhea ... ugh ...

    I'm a homeschooling gramma with a 9 yr old granddaughter. I thought chickens would be a good way to stave off any food crisis in the future AND be really educational for all of us. Needless to say, this has just been TOO MUCH FUN. We got them before Easter and today they are in their new coop...
  19. M

    Wyndotte-only watery poo, paleness, wing droop -- cause?

    Good afternoon all, long-time listener, first-time caller :D We've had a flock of 6 chickens, all under 2.5 years old. Last fall, our smallest Wyndotte exhibited some hesitancy when walking, often holding it up for a pause before stepping, some stumbling. One wing kept drooping more. Was like...
  20. S

    New baby chickens runny poop

    Hi. New chicken owner here. We have adult chickens we’ve had for about 3 months and got some 2 day old cheeks about 2 weeks ago. All of the babies appear to be happy and healthy but ever since day 1 they’ve had runny poop. It isn’t all of the time and the chicks are happy healthy eating and...
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