16 week old hen sick again-is it yeast? Or something else?


In the Brooder
Mar 3, 2023
Our 16 week old Swedish Flower hen is sick again. She is started to fluff up and act tired, has had watery diarrhea with some spots of blood. No sign of crop issues yet. Still eating and drinking. Best picture I could get of poop:

2 months ago she stopped eating and drinking and developed a sour crop with diarrhea. After a fecal float she was found to have yeast and treated successfully with nyastin. Here is the post about her last issue. https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/cocci-or-malnutrition.1567395/
She recovered well and was back to normal spunky self for the last 2 months.

No other birds in our flock of 9 are showing signs of illness or distress. Hens are in coop at night which has hemp bedding that I clean/sift droppings out daily. They free range during the day. We live in South Florida and do have rain and high humidity a lot. She is not bullied. I have switched their diet over the last 3 weeks gradually from Mana Pro medicated chick crumbles to Grubbly Farms chick feed. So far all chickens have seemed fine with the switch. I do have a large water feeder which I refill every other day. It seems to get food settling in it after they eat. Crumbs on their beak get into the water tray. I’m switching to a nipple feed and now trying to clean the water container out daily.

I picked up miconazole at the drug store yesterday and I have corid at home. It cost over $200 last time to diagnose and treat her so we can’t unfortunately go to the vet again. Though I’m happy we did it. I learned how to syringe treat a chicken and she did get better. It’s just not a sustainable option for us moving forward.

I’m wondering based on her symptoms if I should treat her again for yeast with the yeast cream even though she has no crop symptoms or if I should treat the flock for coccidiosis. Or should I do both? Other thoughts?

Also any possible causes or things to consider with this hen since this is the second time she has gotten sick?

All I did this morning was add some ACV to their fresh water and probiotics. They love it when I add ACV to the water and my hope is it won’t hurt any of the conditions she may have while I decide what to try.

Thank you so much in advance for your help! This forum is a lifesaver.
Our 16 week old Swedish Flower hen is sick again. She is started to fluff up and act tired, has had watery diarrhea with some spots of blood. No sign of crop issues yet. Still eating and drinking. Best picture I could get of poop:
View attachment 3491406

2 months ago she stopped eating and drinking and developed a sour crop with diarrhea. After a fecal float she was found to have yeast and treated successfully with nyastin. Here is the post about her last issue. https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/cocci-or-malnutrition.1567395/
She recovered well and was back to normal spunky self for the last 2 months.

No other birds in our flock of 9 are showing signs of illness or distress. Hens are in coop at night which has hemp bedding that I clean/sift droppings out daily. They free range during the day. We live in South Florida and do have rain and high humidity a lot. She is not bullied. I have switched their diet over the last 3 weeks gradually from Mana Pro medicated chick crumbles to Grubbly Farms chick feed. So far all chickens have seemed fine with the switch. I do have a large water feeder which I refill every other day. It seems to get food settling in it after they eat. Crumbs on their beak get into the water tray. I’m switching to a nipple feed and now trying to clean the water container out daily.

I picked up miconazole at the drug store yesterday and I have corid at home. It cost over $200 last time to diagnose and treat her so we can’t unfortunately go to the vet again. Though I’m happy we did it. I learned how to syringe treat a chicken and she did get better. It’s just not a sustainable option for us moving forward.

I’m wondering based on her symptoms if I should treat her again for yeast with the yeast cream even though she has no crop symptoms or if I should treat the flock for coccidiosis. Or should I do both? Other thoughts?

Also any possible causes or things to consider with this hen since this is the second time she has gotten sick?

All I did this morning was add some ACV to their fresh water and probiotics. They love it when I add ACV to the water and my hope is it won’t hurt any of the conditions she may have while I decide what to try.

Thank you so much in advance for your help! This forum is a lifesaver.

Don’t give ACV if it’s hot and summer it will set and lock the gizzard cause dehydration which cause slow system
To me this poop is more like not eating properly sometimes summer time gives this type of poop

Adding some probiotics helps
I will wait and watch more poops

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