
  1. HoneyHillHens

    Cocci poop?

    So got five two day old chicks yesterday from my local feed store. All acting normal, running around flapping their wings. checked on them before bed. Found this, should i start treating with Corid? Or is it a normal poop? It has a slightly red tinge to it. Can i treat chicks that young? Also...
  2. BrahmaMom1797

    Very sad crying quail

    I have some nearly 6 week old quail that I hatched in February, everything has been mostly okay except a very tiny FTT quail and now, a crying fluffed up and underweight quail, she keeps crying. I’m treating everyone with corid because that’s all I can think this is. But I’m wondering if anyone...
  3. J

    3 month old Icelandic pullet is lethargic, sometimes open mouth breathing

    Hi, I'm new here. Here is the lowdown on this poor chick: [YESTERDAY - day 1] The chick my first-time broody hatched in August isn't doing well. Less than two weeks ago she was still roosting with mom, occasionally still tucking under her, and this week I have found her in the run, by herself...
  4. chickenchicklady


    Hello! I have 25 broiler birds in a mobile chicken tractor that gets fresh bedding daily, and moved 1 time every 2-3 days. I noticed this this morning, is this bloody stool? I don’t notice any other symptoms other than it sounds like there is one bird that is wheezing when it breathes. I’m...
  5. Ginny0

    First post ... and it's an emergency

    :( Long story short: We lost a new Sussex chick to coccidiosis last night. We purchased it with two other 5wk olds from McMurray Hatchery. It was less than 1/2 the size of the other two, and not eating or drinking, right out of the box. Being new to raising chickens (we also have 3 young hens...
  6. S

    Need Help: Sick Polish Bantam Hen

    Need advice regarding treatment for my two-year-old Polish bantam hen who is sick. We first noticed symptoms a week ago. We found her in her outdoor run on Sunday very lethargic but standing up. We assumed it was heat related and spent the night cooling her off. She perked up a little and ate...
  7. Delp

    New to Backyard Chickens Website. Excited & Need Help/Opinion:) :)

    Hi Everyone! We brought home pullets 4 years ago and have enjoyed the experience without much drama or challenges. We've decided to grow the family and just brought home two little baby chicks and are quickly realizing, they need A LOT more specialized care than our pullets did! They are so dang...
  8. byrd95

    Am I overmedicating my chicks?

    I had an outbreak of coccidia a couple of weeks ago. I never had to deal with this before and ended up losing 12 of my 14 8wk old chicks. 😢 I have six 3-4 wk old polish chicks (1 is a lot smaller than the rest) in a brooder with a wire bottom and same thing with my twelve 2 wk old serama chicks...
  9. S

    Sick Duck, was fine 3 days ago... HELP!

    I recently got to American Peking ducks (they are around 5-6 weeks old) and they were so healthy! I clean their enclosure every other day, change their food every other day, and change their water 2 to 3 times a day. I have been keeping them in my garage to protect them from the rain and cold...
  10. OllieMs

    Can you give turkeys corid and antibiotcs in yhe same water?

    I have 3 poults and I've seen bloody poop, so I started giving them corid. But 2 of them are sneezing a lot, have discharge coming from their nose so I'm thinking a respiratory infection. Can I also add antibiotics to their water with the corid? Thanks!
  11. B

    Coccidiosis after being treated with Corid. What next?

    One of my friends said that my chick looked like it had coccidiosis after looking at the stool. I’ve been treating all 4 chicks with Corid with the suggested treatment that I found on here. Tomorrow is the last day of treatment. One of my chicks (The one that has always been the most concerning)...
  12. tacothechicken

    How to treat whith 20% corid powder?

    Ok guys so i was going to do a mass corid treatment for my flock as some are carriers and I have now moved in some young untreated pullets from this summer. But my store was out of the 9.6% oral so I got 20% powder instead, what does dosage size change in response? All my girls are now full...
  13. M

    Corid not working

    I’ve been battling coccidiosis for a while now. My chicks got it and had to be treated twice because it came back. Once they seemed ok they were integrated with the rest and they got it. I gave them all 2 tsp of powder in 5 qts for 8 days, changing water daily. Now a week after stopping I’m...
  14. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    How Long to Keep Pullet on Amoxicillin & Corid?

    I originally posted about my ill, 6 month old BO pullet here. In a nutshell, she went off her feed and was having pretty explosive green diarrhea, often chunky and reminiscent of c. perfringens photos I've seen on the web. Despite all that, she was still energetic (and a huge pain in my ass per...
  15. HeatherKellyB

    Help Please (Poop Pics just in case of any Sensitivity)

    Hello! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. On two separate occasions in the past couple of days, I've noticed a teeny tiny bit of slimey orangish possibly reddish stringy (not worms or wormy) matter in some feces in the brooder with my nine 3 & 4 week old chicks. I wanted to treat with...
  16. rascal66

    Need help with chicks with potential Coccidia

    I have about 30 chicks in my barn and just yesterday I noticed poop that seemed a little bloody. Sure enough i confirmed it to be bloody poop today. (Im used to seeing intestinal shedded poop). I have Corid and will start, but can someone help me confirm dosage? And would it help at all to feed...
  17. ValerieJ

    Only one chick surviving...

    I ordered BO eggs online from the only source I could find at the time. I needed them fast because I wanted to give them to my broody hen. However, I was taking her eggs away every day and she stopped brooding before the eggs arrived. Anyway, because of the urgency, I ordered eggs from across...
  18. MelissaRose

    Help! Light Brahma pullet sick again, bloody poop and limping. What should I do?

    Hello, I have a pullet who was sick about a week ago. I treated her with corid and SafeGuard and she seemed to recover so I put her back with her flock. This morning she has a bad limp in her right leg. There is no obvious injuries - swelling, blood etc. I cant tell what part of her leg is...
  19. S

    Coccidiosis in young pheasants

    im treating the youngest pheasants with cored in water, starting today. Should I also be giving them anything in the regular food to help them? We lost 2 young pheasants recently and another one has same symptoms now. So we are starting treatment to prevent any further casualties. Thanks for...
  20. Jjdesmo11

    Runny mucous poop

    13 week blue wheaten americana bantam. Feeding dumor all flock, has been outside on soil. Noticed runny “pink” mucous poop the last week or so. First thought intestinal lining but she was acting less fiesty. Separated inside and treated w Corid Oral drench and in water the last 3 days. Poop...
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