
  1. O

    Do they need corid?

    Unfortunately I had a case of Cocci hit my mixed flock of turkeys and chickens. Today is day 5 of treatment and I have baby turkeys hatching. Will they need to have corid as well?
  2. Harmoni

    Need dosing for direct liquid corid dosing

    I have a bird who is declining quickly. I had another bird euthanized and her necropsy showed the main cause of death to be coccia. Now her sister is becoming lame and barely eating or drinking. I know the water dowing but can I give directly since she is barely drinking?
  3. PeachMyCheeks

    Corid powder dosage for 4 week old turkey?

    I have a young turkey who’s sick and I’m not sure how much corid powder I’m supposed to add to a gallon of water. (I’ve only seen the liquid measurements)
  4. hrhdianalynn

    6 day old chick with diarrhea

    Good morning everyone! I have been putting off asking this question of you all because I knew there would be 1000 more that are similar, so I have went through threads and threads, took the advice, and am sill having issues so I had to break down and ask! We have 2 very energetic, loud...
  5. T


    hey everyone, I currently have a thread “RIR Pullets” which has backstory on everything. Basically have two RIR ~7.5 week old, one I’m worried potential coccidosis and the other some sort of respiratory illness. I just started them on CORID this morning. I have hydro-hen probiotics, electrolytes...
  6. C

    Sulfadimethoxine And amprolium for coccidia

    Hello, I have a group of 6 and 8 week old seramas. Any 20 total. 1 of the oldest and 1 of the youngest are showing signs of cocci. They’ve been outside for 10 days. The two are fluffed up and isolating. Everyone else is fine. Here’s something I can’t find info on which is surprising: they have...
  7. N

    First time with sickness.... Sneezing & Congestion... How do I treat? Do I treat them all?

    Video link on reddit of chick Tuesday night at end of post (couldnt upload here): 1 week 4 day old chick (we think silkie) started sneezing Tuesday night. We've had her since day one and she's been healthy, energetic, eating and drinking. 4pm Tuesday I did my normal pasty butt check and she had...
  8. B

    Corid Dosage

    I bought the 9.6% oral solution of Corid amprolium. I’ve been reading that the dosage should be 10ml/gal but some of these posts are talking about 20% Corid. How much should I be sticking in a gallon? My birds are 3 weeks old. Behavior seems mostly ok so far but I did see bloody diarrhea...
  9. 1Crzychknlady

    Recovering from cocci baby chicks

    On Friday I began noticing a few of our 2 wk old chicks being lethargic and having runny bloody poo. I separated the two that had those symptoms (I ended up separating a third chick the following day bc she began showing those symptoms also). I began corid on all the chicks we have and added a...
  10. Jrbd82

    Egg Bound or Sick??

    I had 2 hens given to me from my neighbor. Her chickens ran the fence line with mine so they were already aquatinted and had been around each other. We kept the ladies in the coop for about a week before letting them free range with our flock. Yesterday, I found one in the nesting box limp Amd...
  11. 6

    Maybe Not Cocci…?

  12. Wordstoyourface

    Injectable super b complex dose

    Hi,I am having some issues with my babys. 2 pics added of the brahma siblings, 5 weeks old,the small one died not 10 minutes ago,this is the size diff and lack of growth i am talking about,yes I washed my hands before handling the live one. I have lost far too many chicks in the past 2...
  13. 6

    Please Advise: Pencillin and Corid Safe Together?

    If a hen is being treated with pencillin, would a treatment of oral corid not be safe to administer at the same time?
  14. Gielliesse

    My journey with Corid.

    I am starting a journey with my chickens and corid. For the next 5 days I will be using corid and I will update each day with the results. I really hope this can help my chickens. People were telling me that this is a good way to help them so I will be doing that. Each morning I will be putting...
  15. BlueHorse17

    Chicks Pooping Blood

    Hello all! One of our chicks started pooping blood last night. They are about 2 weeks old. Coccidiosis maybe? I have Corid to treat them. I just wasn’t sure the proper dosage as I’ve never done it with chicks before. The chick is acting fine but I want to get it early while I can.
  16. K

    New to chickens, and i have one that seems ok but has a swollen eye.

    Is it ok to give corid to my chicks even if they seem fine?
  17. W

    Coccidiosis & Flooding

    Looks like we’re dealing with coccidiosis again. I found several droppings with bright red blood on the droppings board this morning and some in the run, which tells me multiple birds are dealing with it. Flooding in the area is making treatment a little more difficult as the chickens have...
  18. M

    Please help!

    Hello all. First post, first time raising any chickens. My wife brought home our home 10 chicks March 18th from our local TSC. Everything has been great up till the last 3 days. I’ve had 4 chickens die from is believe to be what, coccidiosis after discussing with 2 coworkers who have raised...
  19. R

    What to do after 5-Day Corid treatment?

    Hi all :frow I have a flock that is on the final day of a 5-Day Corid treatment for cocciodiosis. What are some recommendations to do after treatment for supplements? I've seen some posts recommend a smaller dose Corid preventative treatments. Some have even said to supplements with...
  20. R

    Is this Cocciodiosis? Should I treat now with Corid?

    Hi all - Last week I had 13 out of 14 chickens die from Coccidiosis. They were on day 4 of 5 of treatment with 9.6mls of Corid in 1 gallon, but unfortunately I had also been supplementing with electrolytes & vitamins, and did not find out until after that you should NOT supplement vitamins...
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