
In the Brooder
May 13, 2020
So got five two day old chicks yesterday from my local feed store. All acting normal, running around flapping their wings. checked on them before bed. Found this, should i start treating with Corid? Or is it a normal poop? It has a slightly red tinge to it. Can i treat chicks that young?

Also they are on medicated chick feed too. Just FYI.


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It's normal messy, smelly, baby chicken poop. Nothing to worry about unless you start seeing chicks acting all droopy and especially if you don't see any of the dry poop which should be most of the poop chicks produce. That is not coccidiosis.

If you have your brooder too hot, you will see a lot more runny poop than if you have it cooler. Despite the heat guidelines, it's better for your chicks to keep the brooder on the cooler side, no warmer than 85F directly under the heat source and much cooler in the rest of the brooder so chicks can shed excess heat. Brooders must be large enough to accommodate the chicks moving in and out of the heat zone.
It's normal messy, smelly, baby chicken poop. Nothing to worry about unless you start seeing chicks acting all droopy and especially if you don't see any of the dry poop which should be most of the poop chicks produce. That is not coccidiosis.

If you have your brooder too hot, you will see a lot more runny poop than if you have it cooler. Despite the heat guidelines, it's better for your chicks to keep the brooder on the cooler side, no warmer than 85F directly under the heat source and much cooler in the rest of the brooder so chicks can shed excess heat. Brooders must be large enough to accommodate the chicks moving in and out of the heat zone.
In their brooder they have the heat plate and the room is kept at like 70 degrees.
There is one chick in particular that i haven’t seen have a solid poop, just dark rich brown liquid-y poops. It’s a little slower than the rest of the group. Doesn’t run around like them, but is eating and drinking fine.
When should i worry? Is it okay to give Corid if i suspect cocci and they are on medicated feed? They are also only... like two or three days old
Coccidiosis takes longer than that to develop. It's not what this is.

I have baby chicks at this moment and their poop runs the spectrum from tiny hard turds to tiny round puddles of golden gloop, to very watery brown gravy, but predominantly dry tiny turds. All of that is normal.

Consistent runny poop usually indicates overheating. Runny poop with tinges of ruby red blood and chicks acting sleepy and sluggish points to coccidiosis.

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