assist a hatch

  1. BerthaBoo

    Please Help - Super weak baby chick!

    Hi all, I had a broody hatch out 5 chicks, and one was still in the egg a day after the rest. Because momma is flighty and was already taking breaks off the nest, I took this one inside and popped it in the incubator hoping it would finish the hatch. I ended up having to assist the hatch, but...
  2. BerthaBoo

    Urgent - 1 left to hatch, no pip?

    Hi all, day 22 here, had a broody sitting on a nest on 7 eggs, 5 have fully hatched by yesterday morning. I decided to lift up momma's chest to took a look at the last two. One dead, likely before the 11th day when I last candled as even then I wasn't sure. I tossed that one. The other I candled...
  3. mews

    More Bruising Appearing On Duck Egg, Need Advice!

    Hello all, I've been stressing over this egg, as I'm a new hatcher and had became concerned as I noticed more bruising has started to appear on the membrane end of the egg. I'm growing nervous, as the duck is positioned awkwardly, and I'm unaware if he/she could be malpositioned and is...
  4. mews

    Mallard Duck Egg Suddenly Has Bruising, Advice Needed!

    Hello all! Yesterday I had posted about this duck egg and today will be the same but a new discovery, as I noticed a new appearance of bruising on my ducklings egg (I have not taken it out of the incubator as of yet). The only thing is, it's where the membrane is (the pointy end). This...
  5. K

    Pip to Zip

    Hi all, I'm looking for some reassurance really. This is my second brood incubating (my first were not viable). I have Cayugas :) and have 5 eggs in a cheapie Amazon incubator. It was a gift from my husband and figured it was worth a shot. This lot have progressed consistently, with veins...
  6. Goosey Girl

    HELP: What should I do next???

    I think there isn't anything else I can do ??? This egg never lost the weight even though low humidity and daily cooling and spritzing. Honestly, didn't think it would make it this far. About 12 hours ago I noticed that it externally pipped, NOT in the air cell. (This egg with abnormally...
  7. AlishaVanRooyen

    Help! Quail is stuck in egg and has become motionless. This is a bit of an emergency.

    We are almost through with day 18, and i saw the external pip 12 hours ago. The pip is tiny, and even with chick sounds in the background, i see no movement anymore. It has been 3 hours since the last wiggle or sound. I checked humidity and temp and it is stable. What do i do?
  8. CloneFly

    Should I assist? (Quail eggs)

    Hello all, I've been incubating Coturnix quail eggs and was pleasantly surprised yesterday morning (day 18 of incubation) to find some of my chicks had hatched. Unfortunately, I had to open the incubator very quickly 2x to retrieve said chicks. (One had curled toes and splayed legs and was super...
  9. Oldegarlicshnapp

    Malpositioned chicks! What do I do?

    I have two eggs that are the smallest ones (1 and 1/2”) and both the chicks inside are malpositioned. One chick is from a clutched that all hatched today. I see it’s toes wiggling inside when candling (I kept it in the same position all the while). Should I poke a little hole somewhere? I...
  10. FreeRanginChick

    Pipped wrong end, day 26, plan to help?

    Hi everyone. I have one egg left out of 18 - a combination of shipped and local call duck eggs. Only one of the local eggs made it to lockdown (late in the season and low fertility rates) Yesterday around 4pm I heard peeping and could see shadowing in the air cell, but no bill/internal pip. A...
  11. M

    Chick Hatching Assistance - Is this Shrink wrapped?

    I'm hatching a combination of mail-ordered ducks and chicken eggs this year in a NurtureRight 360. This is my second year of hatching. Last year I just did chickens and I had 14 going into lock down and 10 hatched. This year I had 7 duck eggs and 6 chickens going into lockdown. Today is day...
  12. B

    May be too late for help….Incubating catastrophe…🤦🤦🤦😳🤷😢

    After 21 days of my precious 2 year old being patient and never touching the incubator… two chicks hatched quick and clean and 4 pipped patiently waiting…… I came in from mowing the lawn to some very cold chicks….Mr. Precious had unplugged the whole cord and ran off with it………I’m now at day...
  13. Diveks

    Can eggs crack when positioning themselves for hatching?

    I’ve already posted about the same clutch (different issue) last thread. I’ve never experienced anything like this with all different types of eggs I've hatched. I have been hatching some lovebird eggs and this clutch seem to have an issue. Im not sure if the parents are calcium deficient since...
  14. EmmaGRS

    Duckling needing help hatching?

    Hello, sorry about all the threads I’ve been posting, hatching chicks and ducklings has me worried about every little abnormalities 😂 I have a duckling hatching right now, it pipped probably about 24 hours ago, maybe more, and it’s made a little progress but it’s not zipping. It’s beak is...
  15. N

    Claws sticking out and dark membrane

    I have some Pheasants hatching right now and this one has his two claws sticking out and the membrane looks dark even though the humidity is fine. It looks like the chick is making progress slowly but I feel bad seeing his foot sticking out. Should I help at all or do something? I've never...
  16. FuzzyOwlFeet

    Chicks pushed eggs away from heater

    I'm in the middle of hatching eggs, today is hatch day buy 4 hatched early yesterday. They are running around as chicks do, but they have pressed the remaining eggs against the sides of the incubator, my thermometer says on the edges it's 98⁰F. Those eggs are now showing no signs of life, I have...
  17. A

    Using the saddle shaped air cells to my advantage?

    Hello all! In the past 19 days I’ve been incubating my first batch of duck eggs 6 khaki Campbell eggs that were shipped to me. They can in as decent condition as you can expect. Unfortunately they did have large saddle air cells so I kept the humidity higher to keep them from getting bigger. Now...
  18. L

    Help! Pipped but hasn’t zipped!

    This little one externally pipped about Tuesday night around 8pm. No real progress until yesterday (Wednesday) around 2 or 3. It is now noon on Thursday, she wasn’t making progress at all and from all of the threads I have read on here it said to help after 12 hours. She seems exhausted. I...
  19. auzzvacha

    duckling assisted hatch advice UPDATE: she is happily hatched and seems healthy!

    Hi I have a mallard duck egg that internally pipped on match 2nd (3 days ago) I started the incubation on February 2nd (so it was on day 24). I was worried because the air sac was smaller then normal, I think from too high of humidity during the whole incubation, between 55-65, other then the...
  20. Nicgable

    HELP! Air Cell Depleted after Internal Pip??

    Hello! First time Hatcher here. I have three very healthy and very active Pekín duck eggs that are on day 24 of incubation. I had my first internal pip about 24 hours ago. The air cell was large - about 1/3 of the egg. After waiting 24 hours and no external pip, I performed a quick candling to...
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