May be too late for help….Incubating catastrophe…🤦🤦🤦😳🤷😢


Apr 21, 2022
After 21 days of my precious 2 year old being patient and never touching the incubator… two chicks hatched quick and clean and 4 pipped patiently waiting……

I came in from mowing the lawn to some very cold chicks….Mr. Precious had unplugged the whole cord and ran off with it………I’m now at day 22 and nothing additional has hatched or pipped…Pretty sure I lost the rest of them sadly…..besides this little guy

my concern at the moment is that one of the hatched chicks managed to break into shell of another and tore the shell and membrane open…
I know the chick was internally pipped and making lots of noise.. but not external pip was visible before the shell came open.

It’s been 5 hours and the chick is still breathing and seems calm.

I have lubed the membrane, covered with another shell and just letting it ride it out for a few hours. all ideas from threads here.

Any thoughts on assisting or just letting it try to make it on its its own? The chick really does seem content and just relaxing. It looks a bit bloody in the picture but it was minor and stopped right away. I am confident I won’t be affecting any of the other eggs. I believe they got fried when the unit came back in and heated a few to 110 degrees….rookie rookie rookie 🙋🙋🙋🤦🤦🤦🤦

None of the pipped chicks have moved in 24 hours and besides getting cold…when the heater came back on it roasted a few….lesson learned on cheap incubator I guess.


That's a lot of blood still. It's not ready to hatch regardless.
I guess now all you can do is wait and see. I hope you get some chicks though.
That's a lot of blood still. It's not ready to hatch regardless.
I guess now all you can do is wait and see. I hope you get some chicks though.
Well I’m happy to report that I let him sit tight for the night and assisted in the morning. He has survived and appears strong and happy.

Also had a surprise of two more zippering out as well in the morning! So much better than I had anticipated after all of that. Soooo much learned for the first round. Time to load round two

Thanks for the reply!


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Did the other eggs quit then?
I'm glad you got some chicks to hatch, life as well as incubating rarely goes by the books.
Did the other eggs quit then?
I'm glad you got some chicks to hatch, life as well as incubating rarely goes by the books.
Yeah, all the rest quit. When the incubator came back online it got way to hot and I didn’t realize. I have a laser temp gun and the eggs internal tempt was 107….I think that’s what got themS

That’s why I have that piece of aluminum foil in there as well to deflect the heat up and not directly at the eggs on the heater side. Going to upgrade to a better incubator after this experience

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