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  1. Frazzemrat1

    Guess I'm Taking a Break from Chickening

    So, many of you know the last year (Fall 2020 - Now) has been pretty shit for me. I had foot surgery in Oct, house fire in Nov... and now, we lost our whole flock over the weekend. My neighbor who has been watching the flock for me says a bobcat has been hanging out. Well, sometime on friday...
  2. Frazzemrat1

    Not a New Member, But I'm back...

    Hey all, Its been almost a year since I've been around, but I'm back! The last 6 months have been hell.... To copy and paste from a PM with a friend: Sorry for not replying in months.... Or being online. My life has SUCCKED in the last 6 months... Foot surgery in Oct, making me...
  3. Frazzemrat1

    LF True Ameraucana Chicks

    I'm looking to expand my flock, and I'm looking for true ameraucana chicks; Splash, Brown Red or Silver. I live in Eastern Ct, and willing to travel w/in reason... so MA, RI, maybe southern NH and VT and eastern NY. If you have chicks, please let me know and again, I'm looking for true...
  4. Frazzemrat1

    Hey guys!

    I figured I would post this here, since I hang out most here... I’m not gone! I promise! Just tough times with accessing this site. I’ve been still at work (I work for a government contractor) and they’ve recently blocked this site. At home all I have is a slightly aged tablet, without a...
  5. Frazzemrat1

    Blue Cuckoo Araucana Cockerel

    I have a blue cuckoo araucana cockerel, Ann Charles from Sky Blue Eggs lines. He’s double tufted, sparsely, and rumpless. The only reason I’m getting rid of him is I have too many cockerels and my hens are being over bred. Can’t ship, will travel within reason to meet you. Pm me for details.
  6. Frazzemrat1

    Indian Man Dies After Getting Attacked by His Rooster (CNN) -- An Indian man has died after a tussle with his rooster -- on their way to a cockfight. Saripalli Chanavenkateshwaram Rao, 50, was hit in the neck with a...
  7. Frazzemrat1

    Orkney is Fighting a Goose Invasion

    Its interesting how an animal, with no natural predators, can explode in population so quickly! From 300 breeding pairs in 2002 to 64,000 individuals now! This is the Greylag Goose, btw.
  8. Frazzemrat1

    I have a trans chicken!

    My gold spangled hamburg, who used to lay very light cream eggs, has gone trans! LOL she’s always been growing a spur, but now her comb has gotten Huge!
  9. Frazzemrat1

    Rooster in Court in France

    Lookit the wattles on that bad boy!!! Rooster Maurice in noisy French court battle with neighbours. A rooster named Maurice, whose early-morning crowing got under the skin of his neighbours, has become the focus of a court battle in France...
  10. Frazzemrat1

    Help me Genetics People! You're My Only Hope!

    Ok, I'm not a genetics type AT ALL. I'm not even sure where I'm going to go with the combinations I have presented to me, but I'm curious where the first cross could take me... and if I decide to keep going. As some of you know, I used to have a white araucana rooster, white to go with my...
  11. Frazzemrat1

    Calling the Salmon Faverolle People!!

    Ok, so this chick isn't a Faverolle... I know that. What I'm really interested in is the Salmon part. This chick is from a project breeding group for salmon araucanas. Now.... with everything I've learned on here, even though I've never had a salmon chicken before.... This looks like male...
  12. Frazzemrat1

    Brain Surgery on an Endangered Parrot!

    This is very cool! Endangered kakapo parrot gets pioneering brain surgery Vets in New Zealand have performed life-saving brain surgery on a critically endangered kakapo parrot in a world-first procedure amid efforts to save the species. Surgeons...
  13. Frazzemrat1

    Robbery in progress

    Give us the kitchen scraps, and nobody gets hurt!
  14. Frazzemrat1

    Eglu Omlet... Thoughts?

    For those who have this coop... I wanted your thoughts on it. Honest reviews. Keeping in mind, I'm not thinking about using this as a coop. I was thinking about using it as a broody box. Some place for a hen to brood eggs and raise her chicks until they can get up into the main coop.
  15. Frazzemrat1

    Incubating Napoleon's Babies

    ...(hopefully) hatching my own eggs! Wish me luck! I have good pics of Napoleon, and I need to get some good pics of the ladies, it today isn’t the day, with freezing rain. For now, here’s the bater immediately after set up, the temp is now at 94* with 44% humudity, which the humidity is going up.
  16. Frazzemrat1

    How Long After a Rooster Leaves the Flock...

    Will hens lay fertile eggs? I can't remember. Earlier this week my rooster disappeared. Personally I think he was stolen. He was a beautiful double tufted white araucana, and was wonderful with the ladies and with us people and the dog. I would love to hatch his eggs, if I can, and my...
  17. Frazzemrat1

    What Makes YOUR Chicken Happy?

    Apparently researchers in Canada are trying to find out what makes chickens happy.
  18. Frazzemrat1

    Questions to the Broody Hen Hatchers

    To the peeps that have their lovely hens hatch their eggs.... How can you tell who will be a good momma? What would you say your hen's success rate is? If last year was any indication, I have a persistent broody, who insisted on brooding nothing all summer. I would take her out, put her in...
  19. Frazzemrat1

    North East Poultry Congress

    Who's going? If your showing, what are you bringing? If your selling, what are you bringing?
  20. Frazzemrat1

    Hurricane Florence Losses

    Well, they're coming out with numbers now. According to this article Florence's flooding killed 3.4 Million chickens and turkeys, and I presume that's in the commercial farms, not the small time farmer, or the back yard chicken keeper...
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